Thursday, November 26, 2020

Released Cthulhu!

No Kraken. Instead, Cthulhu.

This was not a Kraken. This was a Cthulhu. If anything, Powell undersold this. Also, Tucker Carlson looks like even more of an ass-clown right now.

This is a long post that summarizes the major points in the filing. Here is the official copy if you are interested.

Keep in mind, that filing repeats some of the witness testimony and requests for relief. I guess that's just how they do it in court documents.

Anyway, I combed through most of it and found the major stuff.

In the filing she calls out Dominion and the prior companies that lead up to them instituting their machines and software in the state of Georgia. She accuses them of ballot stuffing and masking the effort through electronic means. Dominion acquired this technological features from Smartmatic, which manipulated Venezuela's election. The software was designed in a way that vote switching could not be detected. Chavez was insistent that this be a "feature" of the program.

Exposes Dominion's vote logging system. Votes cannot be traced back to voters. No audit of the system will reveal switched votes. Log entries are not saved in real time. Log entries are open to editing by those with access to them, which means logs fabricated ahead of time can be uploaded to the file. Machines were connected to the Internet in violation of state and federal laws.

Fulton county's water main break is called out. Video shows that challengers and some poll workers were told to leave at 10pm on Nov 3rd, however some poll workers stayed behind to operate computers for the tabulation machines unchallenged and unobserved until 1am Nov 4th.

Dominion software is implicated to have been accessed by China and Iran in the 2020 general election. A named expert has concluded that Dominion software permitted outside manipulation of the votes in all battleground states, and that votes were switched from President Trump to Joe Biden.

Board of Elections records demonstrates that at least 96,600 absentee ballots were requested and counted but were never recorded as being returned to county election boards by the voter. Thus, at a minimum, 96,600 votes must be disregarded.

Suit calls out the uncounted ballots found on memory sticks during Georgia's hand audit, which reduced Biden's lead over Trump.

Statutory safeguards for absentee ballots were disregarded and not observed by poll workers, which facilitated the Dominion fraud. Election officials failed to verify signatures or check security envelopes. They illegally barred challengers from observing the count. Expert analysis estimates at least 96,600 ballots were illegally counted during the 2020 election.

Georgia law provides for a contested election in case of fraud, misconduct, or irregularity place the final result in doubt.

Plaintiffs and Defendants are named. The suit cites Governor Kemp and SoS Raffensperger.

The suit references Supreme Court precedent granting the court authority to act in this case since it involves a federal election.

Georgia election law is cited, specifically regarding absentee ballots, how they are to be handled by poll workers, and the remedy for Defective Absentee Ballots. SoS Raffensperger and the State Election Board are named as having entered into a Compromise and Settlement Agreement and Release with the Democrat Party of Georgia Inc., the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (collectively, the "Democrat Party Agencies"), setting forth different standards to be followed by the clerks and registrars in processing absentee ballots in the State of Georgia. So together they circumvented Georgia legislative law regarding the certification and counting of absentee ballots.

Raffensperger issued a bulletin to poll workers to handle absentee ballots in ways unauthorized by statutory law, and he did this without authority to do so under the U.S. Constitution.

This Settlement also reduced the signature requirements to a process with broad discretion rather than strict adherence to the law for the absentee ballots.

(So basically, Raffensperger is an agent of the democrat party inc., who violated the law to usher in voter fraud that would get democrats elected in Georgia, and hand the election over to Biden.)

Georgia law requires absentee ballots be verified by matching signatures, among other personally identifiable information to ensure the voter is eligible to vote. An affiant testified under oath that he or she observed poll workers not verifying signatures, and that no corresponding envelopes were in sight.

Signature and other ballot questions were abdicated from the election officials to the democrat party's training and guidance on such issues. Meaning, the democrat party was instructing poll workers how to handle signature mismatches and other questionable situations regarding absentee ballots.

SoS authorized the opening of absentee ballots' outer envelopes up to three weeks before election day, in violation of statutory law which states these can only be opened on election day. The SoS action was blatantly unlawful, and thus the request to contest Georgia's election must be granted by law.

This same rule has been adopted and applied to the upcoming runoff election for Senate as well. Just so you know.

Plaintiffs have proof that democrat counties provided no meaningful access to Trump observers during the hand recount process. They were denied the ability to challenge any part of the mail-in ballot verification process. They also witnessed Trump votes being put into Biden piles while in audit or recount.

Numerous sworn statements from observers stating that there was no way for them to verify if any of the proper procedures were being followed by the poll workers.

Voter rights were disenfranchised regarding the right to spoil one's own mail-in ballot and then vote in person on election day. Also, when a voter who was trying to vote in early voting was informed she had already voted by mail, she claimed she did no such thing and wanted a provisional ballot to override the false mail-in ballot. The clerk told her he would add her manually with no explanation as to who or how someone voted using her name. Another observer testified under oath that at no time did he see a recounter or any individual verify the signatures of a mail-in ballot. In some counties there was no hand recount, but rather a machine recounting of the same ballots. This type of recount will not reveal the fraud plaintiffs are complaining about.

Many pristine ballots were observed in perfect condition, indicating forged ballots. A sworn affiant testifies this batch looked like it would be used for absentee use, but seemed as if they weren't used for that purpose.

Affiant testifies that many of such ballots has uniform markings for candidates, as if printed on rather than darkened with an ink pen. Claims 98% of these were for Biden, while only about two were for Trump.

Vote marking machines were required to be signed for on Sunday, even though they didn't actually receive them until 2am the morning of election day. This breaks chain of custody requirements.

Same affiant testifies that the machines were not sealed, as required, and did not feature the same serial numbers reflected in documentation. This indicates clear election fraud.

Another affiant testifies that in Henry county, he or she saw Trump votes being placed in the pile for Biden. When an objection to this was raised, the objection was met with extreme hostility by a poll worker. At no time was a Biden ballot witnessed to have gone into a pile for Trump.

Another affiant testifies no signatures were being matched and no accompanying envelope for the mail-in ballots were in sight.

Yet another affiant testifies he received push back and threats when he pointed out there was only one republican observer per 12 tables, when the requirement was one to every 10 tables.

Another affiant testifies to seeing two poll workers blatantly take paper machine receipt ballots for Trump and placing them in the Biden tray. These two poll workers were also seen removing already separated ballots from the "No Vote" and "Jorgensen" trays and placing them in the Biden trays. They then removed those ballots and counted them for Biden on the sheet.

Another affiant in his sworn affidavit, a democrat, testified that before he was told to move back to where he could not see, he observed Trump ballots being placed in the stack for Biden and counted as Biden votes. This occurred a few times, he said.

Another affiant testifies that the republican party observers were met with hostility, which violates the Equal Protect Clause.

Another affiant testifies that he saw his own early voter ballot being reviewed by poll workers to determine which candidate it should be given to, which violated the privacy of his ballot. When he contacted the fraud line, he received no cooperation or instruction from them.

As a poll watcher, he also saw an auditor sort ballots into ten Biden stacks, which he did not show to any poll observers.

He also observed stacks of ballots, 100% for Biden that appeared odd. On at least three ballots the watermark was solid gray, rather than transparent, indicating forgeries, in his opinion. When challenged, the Election Director said the ballots were legitimate and the difference was due to a difference in printers. Many ballots showed only a vote for Biden and nowhere else on the ballot.

An RNC poll watcher told an undercover reporter for Project Veritas that he saw individuals make continuous errors.

These blatant instances of fraud and misconduct statewide render the results untenable and compel the immediate impoundment of voting machines for professional inspection, investigation, and retrieval of software.

An affiant, and expert in network and information cyber-security has testified that after review of the Dominion voting machine manual, the machine allows for scanned ballots to be tracked inside the software system for Dominion. The central operator can see the results in real time and can manipulate the totals at will by discarding ballots or batches.

Operators of the machines can also adjust the threshold for "problem ballots" and create entire batches of problem ballots by setting the requirement too high, so that ovals without enough of a mark can be separated as problem ballots and not counted. These scanned ballots can also be easily deleted from the Dominion machine memory by navigating to that folder of problem ballots.

It is possible for any administrator to view the results of batches and delete them at will. This opens the system up to fraud for any malicious admin.

Gov. Kemp awarded a contract to Dominion for 30,000 new machines, over the objections of many, including democrats.

Also such complaints include pointing out that electronic voting machines can't be recounted since they produce no paper record. They simply produce the same result they originally displayed.

Also, voting machines that print ballots may display the correct votes to the voter, but the scanned barcodes might contain information the voter is not aware of, which could switch their vote when scanned by tabulation devices.

Defendants violated the election laws by failing to preserve paper records of the votes.

Recent events have shown Dominion software switching Trump votes to Biden.

Proof that Dominion software is open to election fraud, and that the system itself was created for the purpose of rigging elections in Venezuela.

Dominion's vulnerabilities include marking ballots after the voter has placed them in the tabulator. Meaning, the ballot can be changed or spoiled after the last time the voter sees their ballot. Also, the Dominion machines can be connected to the Internet through a laptop's WiFi, which allows access to the system by outside parties. Any Dominion machine connected to a laptop with WiFi is vulnerable to hacking. Some districts were not aware their systems were online.

Dominion is a foreign owned company.

Various vote counting companies such as Smartmatic, Sequoia, Premier Election Solutions, and Diebold are all connected in some way to Dominion.

A former U.S. Military Intelligence expert has concluded that the Dominion system and software are vulnerable to hacking by China and Iran.

Fulton county reported they were shutting down over a water leak, yet they secretly remained open to some poll workers and continued counting mail-in ballots without any observers present. The water leak was a lie that led to almost all workers and observers being sent home.

Dominion Vice President of Engineering Eric Coomer has ties to ANTIFA and has been video recorded stating, "Don't worry. Trump won't win the election. We fixed that." Coomer also had social media posts threatening violence against President Trump.

Numerous reports and analysis shows Trump votes were switched to Biden. This represents voter disenfranchisement. Georgia's election was not transparent. It was shrouded in secrecy.

As many as approximately 38,000 mail-in votes were lost according to statistical analysis. Voters received tens of thousands of mail-in ballots they never requested. Same statistics show that as many as approximately 20,000 people voted absentee or early in Georgia despite having moved out of the state. Similar stats apply similarly across multiple different counties.

Mathematical anomalies also show Biden receiving a number of votes that exceed reasonable expectations compared to results in 2016.

This proves mail-in voting has failed to meet the standards and requirements of a free and fair election system.

The number of fraudulent votes well exceed the number necessary to flip the results of the election.

Bogus registration addresses have also been found, such as at the incorrect residences, shopping centers, mail-drop locations, and other non-resident buildings.

Russel Ramsland confirms that as many as 96,600 votes were illegally cast due to compromised Dominion systems and actions by outside parties.

The Defendants are not part of the Legislative Branch. They have no authority to change election law. They only have the power to enforce the laws as written. Defendants not only failed to do so but exercised powers not granted to them by the U.S. Constitution and specifically granted to the Legislature by the same. The SoS and Board of Electors' conclusion must therefore be nullified.

Plaintiffs have no adequate legal remedy for this infringements and will suffer irreparable permanent harm if injunctive relief is not granted.

Defendants have and will act under color of law to violate the Elections Clauses of the Constitution unless enjoined. The fake results must be set aside as they are tainted with Constitutional violations.

Defendants violated the Equal Protection Clause by showing favorable treatment to mail-in ballots over in-person ballots that require stricter forms of verification. No vote can be held above another, multiple Supreme Court cases reinforce this. Denial of poll watchers and challengers reduces verification requirements on mail-in votes.

Plaintiffs and Trump observers have a right to meaningful access to oversee the verification process.

Defendants refused to credential Trump poll watchers, and kept others far away from the verification process, thus denying them meaningful access.

Georgia law prohibits the transmission of certification of elections that contained illegal or fraudulent votes. The Governor of Georgia must be enjoined from certifying these phony results.

Georgia law allows elections to be contested through litigation both as a check in election integrity and accurate vote counting.

Plaintiffs seek to have non-matching signature ballots, dead-person ballots, and suspect ballots of 900 military absentee ballots all 100% for Joe Biden thrown out.

Unequal protection. Some were given the opportunity to cure their mistakes on a ballot while others were not. This violates the 14th Amendment.

Voters have a right to have their legal vote counted. Fraudulent ballots and election irregularities violate this right by cancelling out those legal votes.

The Georgia Supreme Court has made clear that plaintiffs need not prove voters would have voted differently if there were no election irregularities. Plaintiffs only need prove there are enough irregular ballots to affect the outcome of an election.

Requesting an emergency order that defendants de-certify the election results for the Office of the President.

There is a list of requests regarding various forms of relief in this case.


Cthulhu also unleashed on Michigan.