Friday, November 13, 2020

President Trump's Only Paths to an Electoral Win

By Believe it!

The purpose of this article is to provide clarity on the issue at hand, and how to solve this problem of democrats attempting to steal this election. There will be no discussion within my article about the validity of the accusations of voter fraud. It happened and there is well documented evidence. As is there evidence of election law violations, which will play out in the Supreme Court regarding Pennsylvania's illegal actions. So anyone reading who thinks there is no evidence, at least get it through your head that this is going to be challenged and that President Trump has a right to call for audits and recounts both on his own behalf and the tens of millions who voted for him, most of whom believe the election results are fraudulent. A check of the election's validity is required, especially in this election cycle when mail-in ballots have been used to this extent. In the past, both political parties have decried mail-in ballots to be susceptible to fraud.

As for the issue of recounts in general, Gore was allowed to call for numerous recounts, and that was over mere voter "error". Meaning the accusation was, "Voters were too dumb to line up arrows on a ballot, and voted Buchanan by mistake." This time we have accusations of widespread election fraud and election law violations. So deal with it. That aside, feel free to comment about whatever you want in the comments, but I won't be entertaining such discussions myself.

So lets get right to it.

President Trump Has Two Paths to Victory

Both of these paths involve holding Georgia. However this first path has Trump winning Arizona, which it looks like President Trump is on course to do, if not through an outright win, then through an automatic audit and hand recount as the result will be close either way. But holding Georgia is a necessity, which is in a mandatory audit and hand recount and is expected to be done Nov 20th.

1. President Trump must have audits and hand recounts in Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Arizona even if Trump has a winning result there initially. This will expose the fraud, eliminate the forged ballots for Biden, and bring the numbers back in line with the truth. Arizona and Pennsylvania put Trump over the 270 threshold.

Additionally, if Georgia's audit and hand recount reveal a massive difference in the vote totals due to vote switching from Dominion software, or a large number of mail-in ballots that lack signatures, dates of birth, correct addresses, or all of the above, then this will get the other states talking and looking at their own elections. In fact, even early reports of dozens of cases of election fraud could get the snowball rolling at the top of the mountain.

The second path is not exclusive to the first. President Trump can and MUST do both, though either one would result in a win.

2. Demand audits and recounts in Wisconsin and Michigan. This way, Pennsylvania won't even be needed just in case the Supreme Court fails to uphold the Constitution and election laws. But President Trump will still need to hold GA to win with 274. Michigan is where massive election fraud took place in Wayne County at the TCF Center where an estimated 138,000 ballots were dumped AFTER election day. An audit of these ballots in this county alone would likely flip the election in Michigan to President Trump.

Another more unlikely path is winning enough states to present a tie of 269 each. For example, losing GA and PA but winning WI, MI, and AZ. This would result in The House and Senate breaking the tie, which would go to President Trump. This is assuming no faithless electors, which there absolutely would be.

The Next Step

Each path will require President Trump to assert his legal right to an audit and recount of the states that are suspect. The fact that mail-in ballots and democrat operatives inside the polling places have caused such chaos is justification enough for mandatory audits and recounts. We were not given proper oversight of the verification and tabulation processes as required by law, which means the American people deserve proof that these mail-in ballots are from qualified voters and are genuine. We must also know if any mail-in ballots were excluded from the count. Check the records to see if the number of ballots received matches the number of ballots counted. And if not, see which ballots were excluded and why. Next, we deserve to know the proper count and that each valid vote is counted.

There must be proper oversight officials watching every step of this process, from verification to the actual tally. Democrats used social distancing as an excuse to keep poll watchers and challengers away from the ballots. Inspectors and observers must have legal access to the ballots to ensure they are proper. Meaning, matching signatures and addresses and any other ID requirements based on state law. If these challengers must wear hazmat suits, so be it. But COVID cannot be used as an excuse to infringe people's voting rights.

Is It Possible?

The fake news media's narrative has gone from, "Where's your evidence", to "That's not enough evidence", to "Okay so you have evidence, but the difference in the vote is too much to overcome". This is not a sound argument against audits and recounts. If there is fraud, and there is, and if there are election law violations, and there are, then audits and recounts are the remedy regardless of how wide the gap is between vote totals. So this is an irrelevant argument. There are accusations of election fraud, therefore audits and hand recounts must be conducted. But let's see if it's possible to flip the election back to the truth.

First thing to note, when fake news urinalists claim a recount won't swing the election by that many votes, they are talking about mere recounts in elections past where mail-in voting was not a large factor. Recounts of elections past were done to gain a few hundred votes hoping there was human error, or slight voter fraud in enough numbers. This time around we're talking about widespread ballot box stuffing. We're talking thousands of examples of dead people sending in mail-in ballots, which according to law cannot be counted. We're talking about counting machines switching Trump's votes to Biden or Jorgensen. Fake newsers will say a few thousand dead votes won't make a difference, but the point of these lawyers finding thousands of dead votes is not a point about swinging an electoral count on dead votes alone, it's a point about how widespread the fraud is. If these were only a few thousand dead votes, then the hunt to verify them shouldn't be this easy. In other words, lawyers are finding many examples one after the other, which means there are potentially hundreds of thousands of instances. If it were only a few dozen, or hundred, or thousand, then many of these name searches should turn up negative, meaning the dead person did not vote. Instead it's the opposite. Lawyers are finding dead votes constantly.

Think of it this way. You're in a boat on a pond with few fish in it. You will sit out there all day fishing and rarely catch anything, if at all. But now imagine the pond is nothing but fish. They'll practically be jumping into the boat. That is what is happening here.

Add to this fact that ballots, of any number whether it's 100 or up to 138,000, were dumped at polling places at around 4am the morning AFTER the election, are illegal votes. Any mail-in ballot that was delivered after the election, or broke proper chain of custody standards, are not valid. It would be no different from people trying to vote in the election the day after.

Then there are mail-ins that are not signed, or the signatures don't match, or they're missing other required information. This is way beyond mere recount anomalies. We're talking potentially hundreds of thousands of ballots.

That's to say nothing of any counting machine "glitches" or human "error" in operating them.

So what are the vote total differences in each of these suspect states?

Arizona: 11,390

Georgia: 14,071

Michigan: 146,123

Nevada: 36,866

Pennsylvania: 55,525

Wisconsin: 20,540

As you can see by the spread, these elections are well within range of being flipped once ballots are verified and hand recounted. Remember, a vote switch means Trump had lost a vote and Biden gained it. So if Trump lost 30,000 votes to Biden, that would be a difference of 60,000. That's enough to take Pennsylvania right there, and that's without all the fraudulent ballots for Biden that Trump's lawyers claim will be thrown out for violating election law in the state.

Action Not Words

President Trump must act now to get these states to audit and recount the ballots before the evidence is destroyed. Gore took 35 days for his foolish recounts. Time is of the essence, and democrats have every incentive to rush this process, as they are doing now. They know they're guilty, and they don't want to be exposed.

As for the rest of us, contact your state legislatures and demand full audits and recounts. If you live in a state that did things the right way, then contact your U.S. representative or Senator and demand federal investigations of these polling places and ballots to ensure there was no fraud.

A fake ballot is an infringement on someone's right to vote. We cannot allow this election to be stolen from the American people. Otherwise, every election from now on will be stolen in the same way.

Believe it!