Sunday, November 8, 2020

Our Nation Stands on The Brink…

I’m not sure where this is all going to end… and I don’t quite have the words.. however, there are parts of this current election scenario that do not portend well.

Specifically because it is demonstrably evident the election results were manipulated; and specifically because the denial of that evidence requires convincing our nation to ignore their common sense; this is not going to end well… Our nation stands on the brink…

One of the biggest attributes to the American population writ large is our inherent common sense.  The election outcome does not make sense from any position of logic or analysis.  The media is participating in a full-on psychological operation that -in part- is a demand for American voters to reject their common sense. I do not see this working.

The democrats are losing congressional seats, state office seats, a governor and yet those same states voted for Biden?  It defies common sense.  Millions of election day voter ballots could be counted in hours within Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia and Nevada…. but they needed to stop, pause, and take days to count thousands?  Again, none of this makes sense; unless this was manipulated by design.

President Trump can hold rallies with tens-of-thousands, while Joe Biden can only draw a few dozen.  Surrogates for Trump draw more supporters to their events than former President Barack Obama.  Again, nonsensical under any scenario.

Miami-Dade votes for Donald Trump and kicks out democrat incumbent congressional representation.  Then we consider the biggest GOP vote share among married families, a cross-section of all religious affiliations and all races for President Trump… and yet somehow the invisible campaign of Joe Biden had the largest impact?

President Trump has a social-media following six to ten times larger than Joe Biden; and in the lead-up to the election the supporters for Trump outnumbered the Biden campaign by magnitudes almost too high to count.  Yet this little supported candidacy of Biden was able to attract more ’20 votes than ‘The Lightbringer“, ’08 candidate Obama?  Unlikely.

Prior to the election most Americans knew the ‘mail-in’ ballot demand from Democrats was ripe for fraud and manipulation.  With hundreds-of-thousands of ‘mail-in’ ballots at the heart of the current election controversy; and specifically with regional political operatives doing everything they can to block any review of that process; and those regional entities are known to be at the epicenter of previously documented fraud; that prior conception is stark.

The media can dismiss voter fraud as a ‘conspiracy theory‘, but they cannot overlook structural coincidence on this scale.  Clark County, NV; Atlanta GA; Philadelphia, PA; Madison, WI; Detroit, MI; the list is long.  All of these areas are known to have well documented voter-fraud in the past.  These, and more, are currently blocking review.

At the 30,000 ft level – Biden voters, actual people voting, did not exceed Trump voters. Which means the current dynamic consists of a minority number of Biden supporters taking possession of an election where the majority are dismissed.  There is no reasonable way to reconcile this ever leading to a positive outcome; even with an overwhelming effort by mainstream media to push a narrative, and an effort by big tech to suppress any dissension.  There is just a point where reality is so stark no amount of manipulative spin can compensate for it.

The resulting election dynamic is a powder-keg of danger to our constitutional republic; and it will not be resolved simply by the Biden supporter side demanding acceptance.

I’m not sure how this is going to end but we have crossed a horizon here and there is no way for the American people to ever go back to that time when they did not see the strings on the political marionettes.

Well over seventy million people are on the precipice of having their votes disenfranchised.  These same people are being summarily dismissed, told to shut-up, and are now carrying a much more angry fuel within them.  This non-democratic reality is not within the recipe for a recoverable position. EVER.

If, BIG “if”, Joe Biden, is appointed as president, that powder-keg is going to want to ignite with a ferocity the leftists in this nation genuinely do not understand or appreciate.  An actually illegitimate group of far-left ideologues is going to attempt to restructure the nature of our country.   Do not underestimate what individual citizens within individual states could, would, or will do, amid this dynamic.

Upon exiting the Constitutional Convention in 1787 Benjamin Franklin was approached by a group of citizens asking what sort of government the delegates had created. His answer was:

A republic, if you can keep it.”

The brevity of that response should not cause us to under-value its essential meaning: democratic republics are not merely founded upon the consent of the people, they are also absolutely dependent upon the active and informed involvement of the people for their continued good health.

Again, I don’t know how or where this ends, but what I do know is that now is the time to expose whatever took place…. by any means necessary.