Sunday, November 8, 2020

Now they’re compiling blacklists

Nothing creepy or authoritarian here. No sir.

I don’t know how many times I’ve said it already, but here it goes again: Leftists are as bitter, hateful and angry in victory as they are in defeat. And now that they think Biden has the presidency, these repulsive people are compiling blacklists of everyone who worked in the Trump Administration, campaign, or was in any way adjacent to the Trump Administration or campaign – including all the judges confirmed during Trump’s first term.

Because that’s totally healthy. Nothing says “protecting our democracy” quite like compiling blacklists.

And I don’t mean random slack-jawed nobodies on Twitter are compiling blacklists.

I mean a Washington Post columnist:

Jennifer Rubin compiling blacklists

The 2016 “conservative” spoiler candidate Evan McMullin:

McMullin compiling blacklists

(Side note: If you voted for this prat in 2016, I don’t blame you for feeling really stupid about it.)

A sitting US Congresswoman:

AOC compiling blacklists

And former campaign staffers for Mayor Pete Buttigieg.  In fact, these Buttigieg staffers aren’t just compiling blacklists, they’ve created a website so you can peruse the names of all the people they are blacklisting.

Buttigieg compiling blacklists

Yeah. That’s exactly what we should be seeing in a functioning, free First World country, isn’t it?

Nothing creepy or authoritarian here. No sir.

I find it especially ironic that the campaign team for Mayor Pete the Perfect Christian would be compiling blacklists of their enemies. Ironic, but not entirely shocking.

Once the Buttigieg staffers proudly announced their “Trump Accountability Project” website, they got hit with a completely justifiable shitstorm of criticism. So what did they do?

Well, two of them set their Twitter accounts to private.

Locked accounts

Then they locked the lists of names they had compiled so they couldn’t be viewed. Unfortunately for them, attorney Leslie McAdoo Gordon took screen captures of all the names on their revenge website.

This is McCarthyism at its finest. Or, better put, this is actually the kind of fascistic and evil thing McCarthy got accused of, but didn’t actually do.

To be honest with you, the clowns that created their website of blacklists don’t piss me off nearly as much as the odious Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

She is an elected Representative in Congress, yet thinks nothing of promoting the idea of compiling blacklists of those who support the President.

And while the Buttigieg clowns could face legal problems for this moronic stunt, AOC will be protected from any liability.

Meanwhile, as his supporters are compiling blacklists of their enemies, the hapless old man hiding in his basement continues to pretend that he is the Great Healer:

Then again, has this senile old coot ever known what the hell is going on? I’m guessing no.

Because Joe isn’t the one steering this ship. He never was.

So while he’s playing pretend, the real power lies in the hands of people who will not hesitate to target their “enemies” and punish us for the crime of engaging in our system of self-government.

If you understand what Leftists are all about, this doesn’t come as a galloping shock.

These are the people who promoted and celebrated the practice of harassing, terrorizing and attacking Trump supporters since before the 2016 election. They are fueled by hate and always have been. This was never just about Trump. Never.

David Reaboi is right. The Left’s only enemies are their fellow Americans.

They’ve normalized political retribution. Because, in the end, they are, and have always been, the authoritarians they claim to abhor.