Friday, November 13, 2020

Now Cuomo is coming for Thanksgiving

The piece of trash is hell-bent on sucking all the joy out of life.

If you live in New York and have family coming for Thanksgiving, the odious prat Andrew Cuomo is trying to take giant crap on your holiday plans.

But of course he’s coming for Thanksgiving.

Is anyone actually surprised by this?

What gives the Governor of New York the authority to limit how many people can be in your private residence?

Well, nothing gives him that authority.

“New York follows the science.” Get bent, you sanctimonious prick.

Speaking as a New Yorker, I would much prefer that New York follow the Constitution and tell “the science” to stick it where the sun don’t shine.

Sweet merciful Zeus, I really truly despise this man.

He came for the schools.

He came for our jobs.

He came for our elderly.

And now he’s coming for Thanksgiving.

This piece of trash is hell-bent on sucking all the joy out of life. What’s worse, far too many New Yorkers are bending over and letting him do it.

You want to know why Cuomo is saying he won’t approve using the COVID vaccine in New York? Because he doesn’t want to lose the power he’s taken upon himself thanks to the Wuhan panic. If the vaccine eradicates what small threat the virus poses, Andy will have to stop playing Dictator.

And there’s nothing Andrew Cuomo loves more than playing “Caring” Dictator.

You probably won’t be surprised to learn that many of the people replying to Marie Andrewette’s tweet are thanking him.

They’re thanking him for crap’s sake.

It will never cease to amaze me how many of our fellow Americans happily surrendered their liberty to two-bit hustlers like Andrew Cuomo who claims “science” gives him absolute authority over us — even to the point of dictating how many people you can have in your own home.

And it isn’t enough to surrender their liberty to assholes like Cuomo. They actually go out of their way to thank him.

Good grief what soft, pliant sheep we’ve become.

And now Cuomo is coming for Thanksgiving.


Because too many New Yorkers are soft pliant sheep.

And you just know that those sheep will be the ones calling the police if their neighbors have more than ten people coming for Thanksgiving. You just know it.

My advice to you fellow New Yorkers is ignore this idiot. If you have loads of people coming for Thanksgiving, let them come.

Andrew Cuomo is not the King of New York.

And despite what he might think, he is not a tyrant. The only way he gets to be a tyrant is if we let him.

Don’t let him.

You think his brother Fredo will follow this “Let them eat alone” Thanksgiving dictate?

Hahahahaha! No. Fredo won’t even follow the Mask Dictate, so of course he won’t follow this.

And neither should you.

Have family and friends over and eat until you’re stuffed.

There is no better way to tell Marie Andrewette to stuff it.