Sunday, November 29, 2020

Let the Throne-Sniffing Begin!

The whole get-a-roominess of it is going to make you retch.

The press isn’t even waiting until January 20th to start their four-year vacation from “speaking truth to power” and “holding the President to account.” Nope, they’ve already gotten a jump on the throne-sniffing and ass-kissing.

You want to hear this weekend’s BREAKING story about “President-Elect” Biden?

Brace yourself, because it is big, BIG news.

Stop the presses!

The Bidens plan to adopt a cat!

Move over Edward R. Murrow. I smell Pulitzer!

The throne-sniffing is already nauseating and Biden hasn’t even been sworn in yet.

And before you say, “But Dianny. That’s Jane Pauley. We can’t expect hard-hitting news from that bint,” there’s more:

James Hohmann, when he isn’t busy throne-sniffing, is a reporter for the Washington Post.

Cathleen Decker is not a reporter for Tiger Beat.  She too works for the Washington Post.

Let the throne-sniffing begin!

Funny. After Donald Trump won in 2016, all we got were breathless hysterics and angry vitriol.

A few days before Trump’s inauguration, CNN posited what would happen if both Trump and Pence were assassinated before being sworn in.

And now all we get is throne-sniffing and dick-sucking.

Did you expect anything different?

These are not reporters; they are Democrat campaign operatives celebrating their apparent victory in the election.

Joe Biden could shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue and these guys would write twelve-hundred-word essays on how, despite his age, Biden is still a crack shot. They’d be asking him what type of ammunition he prefers and how many times a week he trains at the range.

Jill Biden is going to grace every magazine cover from Redbook to Vogue to Cat Fancy.

Jill’s White House Christmas decorations will be met with gushing praise – unlike Melania’s which were roundly condemned and mocked even from the pages of the Washington Post.

The whole get-a-roominess of it is going to make you retch.

During the eight years of Obama, the American news media turned throne-sniffing into an art form. And they miss it. They miss worshiping at the feet of a President.

The four year absence of throne-sniffing was as painful to them as drug withdrawal is to Hunter Biden.

With a Joe Biden victory, they’ve got a fresh supply coming their way, and by golly, they’re not going to wait until Inauguration day to sample it.

Not one of these throne-sniffing assholes is going to “speak truth to power” or “hold the President to account.” Not one of them.

Every breath, every sigh, every bowel movement will be reported as the most amazing, wonderful, unifying, brilliant thing Joe Biden has ever done.

The economy can tank.

The Middle East can once again be lit aflame.

America can be sold out to China.

And these throne-sniffing pukes will turn a blind eye to all of it. Just as they did Hunter’s laptop, the dodgy China deals, Tara Reade, and Joe’s encroaching dementia.

But hey. What ever will they name their new cat?!