Saturday, November 7, 2020

Justice Alito Orders PA to Segregate, Secure, and Count Late Ballots Separately


Article by Jennifer Van Laar in RedState

Justice Alito Orders PA to Segregate, Secure, and Count Late Ballots Separately

On Friday the Republican Party of Pennsylvania filed an emergency application to SCOTUS in their ongoing challenge to last-minute changes to Pennsylvania election law that allowed ballots received after Election Day to be counted, asking that SCOTUS order each county to segregate ballots received after 8:00 PM on Election Day pending further rulings as to whether those ballots should be counted.

In the filing, PA Republicans noted that the Pennsylvania Secretary of State issued a “guidance” to the counties directing them to segregate, secure, and not canvass or otherwise process ballots received after Election Day, but that numerous counties (at least 25) wouldn’t confirm that they had, in fact, done so. County Boards of Elections argued that the Pennsylvania Secretary of State didn’t have the authority to order them to do so and that the guidance was, in fact, just guidance.

 Friday evening, Justice Alito ordered that any ballots received after 8 PM on Election Day in PA be segregated and secured and, if counted, counted separately.

If those ballots are counted, they have to be counted separately, according Justice Alito’s orders.

 Bream added that the late ballots were already supposed to be segregated and secured, but that the PA GOP hasn’t been able to confirm that that’s happening.

 In Alito’s order, he reiterated that under the authority of the Supreme Court of the United States those ballots must be segregated and secured. The Defendants have until 2 PM Eastern on Saturday to file a reply brief. 

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