Sunday, November 29, 2020

Joe & Kamala Will Usher In America's Ultimate Demise

I had lunch with a very wise friend yesterday. He had a number of observations about the current crisis. The first is that, if indeed it's Biden, liberals are going to be horrified by what he delivers. Nothing "liberal" or "progressive" will happen. 

The middle and working classes are being destroyed and that will continue to its conclusion. The Swamp creatures in the wings will also crush anyone associated with Trump or populism, including platforms, professionals and vendors. 

The uber rich will get richer as Wall Street continues acting as the CCP's finance and propaganda arm as well as the mechanism for transferring vast amounts of taxpayer money to Wall Street and the CCP. 

OTOH we agreed that, as the actual voting showed, there's less trust and deference to traditional institutions than ever before. Their trust equity is near bottom. Unfortunately, because they won't be able to control the population by lying, they'll use more coercive means. 

Regular folks are seeing and contemplating civil disobedience and social disruption in a whole new light, though. And they are going to start planning it and doing it. Moral qualms and civic duty are off the table: this "election" proved that it's eat or be eaten. 

The disintegration of the old American, largely inherited Anglo-Saxon social order that the power structure relied on began, ironically, with the destruction of civic norms via Covid lockdowns. People no longer interact or deal with each other in person. New game is on. 

Government is trusted only by those profiting from it personally. Everyone knows legislatures no longer function at all. Judges have no courage and decide cases based on politics. Governors are lawless tyrants and the presumptive new SCOTUS is a golem. New game, as I said. 

Universities will crumble as their value for all but the super rich as finishing schools and indoctrination centers, combined with absurd costs and an environment that teaches adolescents only social and sexual dysfunction, makes them a ridiculous value proposition. 

Ironically though even the elite schools and networks will suffer as social, economic and civic life become more atomic and technological. The interpersonal relationships that are built by years of in person serial interactions asking elites will no longer occur. 

He enjoyed the kosher pizza I brought over and ate three slices of it. We agreed that we are embarking on terribly interesting times and wished each other Thanksgiving greetings as I took my leave. 

I left out a couple of points that I remembered later. I'll add them tomorrow 


Good morning. The first point I left out is the obvious domination of the technology behemoths in what is essentially a regime of authoritarian corporatism that makes talk of civil rights and justice quite irrelevant. I've been tweeting about that for years of course. 

The salient point here (and it's one Thomas Wictor made this week) is that the people in charge of these companies are at once moral retards yet preen about what they think is a moral superiority which to them justifies every act of censorship, lying and oppression. 

This makes them no different from every arrogant Jacobin-Bolshevik bully in modern history of course. Another point from our discussion involves the extent of moral derangement common & accepted among the Wall St / Silicon Valley elite. I will only say the word, "Epstein." 

My friend texts: Well...our lunch convo seems to have people “talking”! Yes, of course, Biden is a kind of political “Trojan Horse.” And, of course, Kamala is potentially waiting in the wings as the stealth progressivist. Two thoughts? 

(1) Don’t underestimate the ambitions of Jill Biden. Some might think they’ll marginalize (or discard) the old man - and they may - but they’re going to have to go through Jill to do so. 

(2) Harris is complete bereft of principle and is absolutely OWNED...lock, stock, and barrel by Silicon Valley and Wall St. IMO, in politics, there are basically 3 types of people...Crusaders (i.e. Obama), Gangsters (i.e. Clinton), and Groupies. 

(Groupies are those in the political entourage, the courtesans, the journalist hacks, the activists, the “lawn sign” set, etc.)Harris, like Biden, is a gangster. She’s not a true progressive...she is an ugly narcissist and a power-hungry, political “street walker.” 

There isn’t a genuinely progressive bone in Harris's body. She’ll do whatever her overlords tell her to do. All of that progressive shtick is for the “little people”...the suckers. 
