Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Everything's Just Peachy in Georgia

By Believe it!

Short article from a short temper.

Georgia 'finds' 2,600 uncounted votes
President Trump gains hundreds in results from just 1 county

(WASHINGTON EXAMINER) -- ATLANTA — A hand recount of the presidential race in Georgia's closely watched election audit has turned up 2,600 previously uncounted votes in one county.

"The reason you do an audit is to find this kind of thing," Gabriel Sterling, who oversaw the implementation of the new election system for the secretary of state's office, said Monday night.

President Trump could see a gain of about 800 net votes from the newly discovered ballots in Floyd County.


So that's a 2-1 win ratio in just one county. Next.

More Votes Found in Georgia: Trump Cuts Biden Lead to Under 13,000

A new batch of votes was found in Georgia Tuesday during the statewide recount in Fayette County, cutting Joe Biden’s lead over President Trump in the state by a reported 449 votes to just under 13,000. The issue today was reported to be a memory card that was not uploaded.


Now here's the kicker...

EXPLAINER: Is Georgia’s upcoming ballot ‘audit’ a recount?

ATLANTA (AP) — Georgia says it’s going to be tallying — by hand — nearly 5 million ballots that were cast in its very close presidential election on Nov. 3. But is it a recount? An “audit”? And why are they doing it?

It’s all a bit confusing, but election experts say what’s happening in Georgia is unlikely to change the outcome and are warning that discrepancies in the final vote count are likely. That doesn’t mean anything nefarious happened. Experts say some discrepancies are expected when so many votes are counted a second time using an entirely different method — hand versus machine.


No. State election officials have said this is not a recount, but rather a post-election audit.

The main difference between the two: A recount is typically tied to a close margin in an election, whereas post-election audits are routine and used by states to ensure that equipment and procedures counting the vote all worked properly.

So when the Secretary of State got up and said there would be an audit and hand-recount of every ballot, he was lying. This was only a random sample to test some of the Dominion machines, and check some ballots to see if everything worked properly.


So in other words, Georgia is wasting everyone's time and presenting the false appearance that everything is just peachy in the Georgia election.

But we can all see the rot. First it was 2,600 votes found that weren't counted, and now 2,755 found that weren't counted. And these ballots that were left out initially are for Trump in the majority. 800 gain from the first batch, 400 gain in the second.

Now what about the third? The fourth? Fifth? Fiftieth?

Do you see what is going on here? This is a fake audit and fake recount. This is a tiny fraction of an overview process. This is baby shit. And yet even this slight scratching of the surface is revealing hundreds of votes that were for Trump, but were left aside and NOT counted.


Why are Georgia election officials trying to hide their fraud and downplay these new results?

It's because they know Georgia's honest recount of verified ballots would show a completely different election, and that would set off every other swing state that had similar irregularities, and used the same rigged machines and software, and relied on the same non-secure mail-in ballots!

Believe it!

UPDATED: Thanks to Gross Prophet for pointing this out.

A THIRD batch of ballots has been found to have been uncounted. Again, with a massive Trump ratio. The batch is smaller than the previous two, but this is proof that the more they look, the more election fraud they find. And the fraud is always in Biden's favor.
