Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Doctor Grinch

In a healthy Republic a crank like Doctor Grinch would be laughed off the stage, not slavishly, unquestioningly obeyed.

Fresh off the heels of his star turn as the Teeny Tiny Tyrant, Dr. Anthony Fauci has cast himself in a new role – this time as Doctor Grinch.

Is there no role he can’t play?

Well, there is one. Doctor Grinch has never played the role of a duly elected representative of the American people.

Doctor Grinch is an unelected bureaucrat accountable to no one.

Just the way he likes it.

Doctor Grinch can make recommendations, sure. But he does not have any authority to order us to avoid family on Thanksgiving or Christmas.

Come to think of it, no elected official has that authority either.

Say, remember fifteen days to slow the spread? Good times.

How naïve and trusting so many Americans were back then.

So they willingly complied. After all, it was just for fifteen days.

Here we are eight months in and far too many states have yet to end their fifteen days. In fact, some states who did eventually end the lockdowns are cranking them back up to “slow the spread.”

The entire country is at the mercy of Doctor Grinch — a 52-year unelected bureaucrat who, eight months ago, nobody ever heard of.

And now “fifteen days to slow the spread” has become “avoid family at Thanksgiving and Christmas.”

JK Tweet-01 Doctor Grinch

“Fifteen days to slow the spread” is now “even after you get vaccinated, life won’t go back to normal.”

The goalposts have shifted so many times, at this point the playing field is ten thousand yards long.

JK Tweet-02 Doctor Grinch

The most troubling thing to come out of this entire Wuhan Panic is how easily many Americans surrender their liberties on the orders of the very government our liberties are there to protect us from.

Even now, even eight months in to “fifteen days to slow the spread,” if you so much as utter one critical word about Doctor Grinch, these pliant sheep screech in outrage and tell you to die.

Life should be more than cowering in your home waiting for a virus (that 99% of us will survive) to miraculously disappear.

Liberty doesn’t come with an asterisk, nor do our rights as free citizens.

And the fact that so many will bow to Doctor Grinch and spend Christmas cooped up at home away from their loved ones over fear of a virus with a 99% survival rate has me worried about the future of this once free nation.

Who knew the Whos down in Whoville would have more testicular fortitude than Americans?

JK Tweet-03 Doctor Grinch

Seven months ago, in my column “You have no rights; it’s a Pandemic!!!” I wrote:

[I]n many ways this pandemic is one of those times that try men’s souls. And we are seeing far too many “summer soldiers” and “sunshine patriots” – fair-weather believers in our unalienable rights who, at a moment of crisis, shrink from the defense of those rights.

How easy it is to cast off our Liberty while bending to obey “instructed government orders” – all in the name of “safety.”

As Benjamin Franklin once said, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

But so many are willing to make that trade. All because “it’s a pandemic!!!!!”

Too many of us have gullibly surrendered our liberty, our freedom of assembly, our livelihoods and our businesses foolishly believing that they meant it when they said “Fifteen days to slow the spread.”

And rather than get angry at those who lied to us, these gullible saps get angry at those of us who dare to speak out.

If history taught us anything it’s that once you give government this kind of power over your life, those in government are loath to give it back.

In a healthy Republic a crank like Doctor Grinch would be laughed off the stage, not slavishly, unquestioningly obeyed.

But we are not a healthy Republic.

We are sacrificing far more than just Thanksgiving or Christmas on the altar of Scientism.

We are sacrificing our nation.

And too many of us are doing so willingly.