Saturday, November 28, 2020

Devout Catholic Joe

What kind of devout Catholic can’t pronounce “Psalmist?”

Now I confess, I’m not a devout Catholic. So I can’t say definitively whether a devout Catholic would know how to pronounce “Psalms” or “Psalmist.” But I suspect they can.

My family have been members of the Scottish Covenanter Church for generations. Here in the US, we’re called “Reformed Presbyterians.” And we Covies, as we fondly call ourselves, are intimately familiar with the Book of Psalms because, unlike most denominations that sing hymns, we only use the Psalms for singing.

That said, it would come as a surprise to me to learn that a devout Catholic wouldn’t know how to pronounce “Psalm” or “Psalmist.”

So imagine my confusion when devout Catholic Joe Biden got tripped up by the word “Psalmist,” not once but twice.

Oh, come on!

Call me cynical, but something tells me that Joe Biden is a peudo devout Catholic.

Look, I get it. He’s reading off a teleprompter and Joe isn’t exactly known for his ability to speak.

But shouldn’t a guy who is supposedly this super-duper devout Catholic, upon seeing the word “Psalmist” crawl across the screen know how to pronounce it?

One almost wonders if that was the first time old devout Catholic Joe saw it in print.

Does Joe think the book of Palms is an instruction manual for pychics?

Did he ever encourage his troubled son Hunter to go see a pychiatrist for a little pychotherapy?

Everybody mispronounces words from time to time.

Anybody remember Barack Obama repeatedly referring to a Navy Corpsman as a Corpse-man?

But Barack never served in the military. Had Barack been a devout Naval officer or devout Marine, mispronouncing corpsman would have been unheard of.

And, see, that’s why Joe’s clumsy “Palmist” is so delightfully hilarious.

We’ve been told for months that Joe is a super devout Catholic. He isn’t a fake like that Donald Trump holding the Bible outside Saint John’s Church. No sir. Joe is the real deal. He doesn’t just hold a Bible for a photo-op! He is a devout Catholic. And devout Catholics do more than hold a Bible. Why, they read their Bibles!

Okay, then shouldn’t a devout Catholic know how to pronounce “Psalmist?”

The saddest thing about that video clip is the phoniness of it all.

Joe has the soft, earnest, almost prayerful voice working for him. But the whole thing was nothing but a carefully-scripted pychodrama. And we all knew it the instant he stumbled over the word “Psalmist.”

Now, granted, the claim that Joe Biden is a devout Catholic has always been a farce – not because he isn’t familiar enough with the Bible to know how to pronounce “Psalmist.” No. It’s his embrace of infanticide that makes his so-called “deeply religious faith” nothing more than a psyop campaign by the Godless left.

Or, as Joe might call it a pyop campaign.