Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Denver Joins Major Cities Nationwide Preparing For Election Unrest

As a nation on edge counts down the final hours of the election, major cities traumatized by a summer of deadly unrest are preparing for a repeat outbreak.

DENVER — As a nation on edge counts down the final hours of the election, major cities traumatized by a summer of deadly unrest are preparing for a repeat outbreak following the contentious contest Tuesday.

Denver, a city rocked by recurring riots downtown since George Floyd’s death, has been no exception.

Business centers and storefronts blocks away from the Colorado Capitol boarded up in preparation for what could be an outbreak as bad as this spring when militant social justice warriors cratered minority-owned businesses and toppled civil rights statues igniting a wave of anarchy with a ripple effect that would resurge in several major cities the rest of the year.

CityVet, a Veterinarian clinic six blocks east of the Colorado State Capitol building had boards in the lobby waiting to go up ahead of tomorrow’s anticipated riots. 

“We are going to put them back up just out of an abundance of caution,” store Manager Mary Whalen told The Federalist, noting that the store suffered major damage following the initial wave of protests in May and June. Whalen said the store never assessed exactly how much the damage the store took in the spring, but that it shelled out at least $1,000 in windows vandalized with acid pen graffiti.

The store was also forced to close early at least on one occasion following the prior night’s protests after pepper balls used by police ended up all around the building causing residue to seep inside and irritate staff. Several holes remain in the front and side of the store.

Whalen said she was more concerned about Wednesday than she was Tuesday if the results of the election go contested. 

“We’ll probably stay boarded up through the week and maybe through the weekend just to see how everything goes,” Whalen said, appearing frustrated that some of the anger from demonstrators has been directed towards local enterprises supporting the community. “We support everything that’s been going on and you know we want change and we support the neighborhood, so hopefully they can support the businesses around here and keep everything towards the Capitol.”

The unease over a prolonged outbreak of civil unrest to follow Tuesday was shared by a local bookstore owner several blocks closer to the Capitol.

“I don’t think tomorrow night is going to be bad,” said 69-year-old Holly Brooks who has been running the store for 15 years. “I think it’ll be the next day and maybe the next week.”

The landlord however, has kept the store boarded up since the spring. 

Widespread concern over an epidemic outbreak of violence over an election outcome is not a feature of a healthy republic and is a first in recent American memory.

Other cities such as Washington D.C., Los Angeles and New York have seen businesses boarded in to prepare for any outbreak of what might come.

Legacy media meanwhile, which downplayed the riots all summer, have primed the public for this very moment.

“Perspective: The election will likely spark violence — and a constitutional crisis,” the Washington Post prophesied in September. “In every scenario except a Biden landslide, our simulation ended catastrophically.”

The Denver Police Department told The Federalist it was limited with what it could share related to its preparations for Tuesday, but said it would “have the necessary staffing available” to confront whatever might happen.

“The Department is in communication with Denver election officials to help inform the allocation of DPD resources,” the department wrote in an email. “As always, it’s important for the community to continue partnering with us in helping to make the election period safe by immediately reporting to police any illegal or concerning activities they see.”