Thursday, November 5, 2020

Democrats Have Committed Widespread Voter Fraud

Article by Believe it!

Our President said it best. "The only way we're gonna lose this election is if the election is rigged."

Lo' and behold, that is exactly what democrats are trying to do. The following article documents some of that fraud, and I will add more as I learn of it.

If you were one of the troopers who stayed up late to watch the election results roll in, you likely noticed the fake news media fabricating a false narrative ahead of time by refusing to call states for Trump, even while calling states for Biden well ahead of time, such as Virginia, or later Arizona.

They must have gotten the memo. Make it appear as if Trump is actually down in all these states so that the delayed blue surge will appear that much more natural.

What followed first was something that has never happened before in American history. Certain counties, and even certain states, simply STOPPED counting ballots. These also happened to be mostly blue counties or states run by democrats.

Now why would poll workers suddenly stop counting ballots?

As most people found out when they woke up, this was to give these counties and states time to calculate how many FRAUDULENT ballots they had to haul in so they could stop Trump from winning reelection.

I recommend saving videos of election night, because that's the only evidence we'll have of the left's blatant delay tactics while their ballot stuffing arrived by the cartload. Democrats knew that once those fraudulent votes were added to the mix, it would be much more difficult to trace them.

While fake news channels like Fox News refused to call states clearly going to Trump as wins in his column, democrats were hard at work keeping the totals frozen for hours to prevent anyone from getting the idea that Trump just pulled off the greatest electoral victory in modern history.

In states like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, Trump was up by anywhere from 100,000 to 700,000 votes, and that was with most red counties not even reporting in yet! Trump was holding relatively close numbers in deep blue counties that went to Hillary last time. Sometimes by as much as a 52% - 48% difference as 80% of that county was reporting in. As red counties came in, Trump maintained or even increased his lead. Everything was steady. And then the... pause.


Similar shenanigans took place in Arizona. Another statewide pause, another massive blue vote surge. And wouldn't you know it, the fake news media calls Arizona for Biden. With 50% reporting in and a half hour after the polls closed. Even the RINO governor of Arizona called out these lies, saying there were millions of votes left to be counted. Then the media reported it went to Biden when 98% of the state reported in, which was a lie I will get to in a moment, but they called Arizona for Biden while waiting to the last second to call Texas or Florida for Trump. This is because they didn't want to make it look like Trump was ever really ahead of Biden.

Arizona's fraud went deeper, as there are now reports of red counties being given sharpies to fill in the circles on their ballots instead of ink pens. What's the difference? Well sharpie ink reflects light. Pen ink absorbs it. Which means, when passed through a vote counting machine, the light bounces off the sharpie ink making it unreadable. Thus all those mostly Trump votes fail to get recorded!

Oh, and that 98% reporting figure they called in the wee hours of twilight? Yeah that was an "error" in the data feed, they claimed. I guess they expect us to believe someone was reading it upside down, because the real number was 86%.

That's right. They tried to call an end to the election in Arizona with 14% of the vote left to be counted, and guess where? Red counties such as Maricopa!

This means the democrats deliberately tried to stop the vote counting while Biden was ahead, thus nullifying hundreds of thousands of Trump votes in Arizona!


Not to be outdone, democrats in Michigan miraculously "found" over 138,000 ballots in this roughly three hour pause, and they were all for Biden. Starting to see the problem here?

Counting stops for hours on end, then when it resumes, they're all Biden votes. Not a single Trump vote. Not a single third party vote. This is because democrats knew how much they were down by, and how many fraudulent ballots they needed to inflate Biden's numbers.

They saw Michigan going to Trump. They saw blue counties not turning out for Biden. So they brought in the fake ballots.

Now breaking news in Michigan! USPS post offices in Michigan are telling their employees to accept and send mail-in votes AFTER election day! This is in direct defiance of a Michigan appeals court that ruled mail-in ballots dated after the election could not be counted, even though mail-in ballots dated on election day and before could be counted days after the election.

Project Veritas has also made contact with a whistle-blower inside the postal service who confirms they are being told to back-date such ballots.

What this means is, new mail-in ballots sent to precincts will be mixed in with mail-ins that made it in on time! The democrats are continuing to send in fraudulent ballots!

President Trump must stop this!


In Wisconsin there was the same halt in counting, followed by huge numbers for Biden all at once. The democrats in Wisconsin are a little too overzealous though. They have ended up spiking the voter participation rate at 90% on average, and some counties have more votes than registered voters.


A recount is likely to be called here, and I have heard that President Trump wants to call for recounts in these other states as well.


And of course we get to the big one. Trump was up some 700,000 votes with 80% reporting in. Biden would have to get like 1.2 million to Trump's 700,000 additional votes to take PA. This state has been under constant democrat assault in how their votes would be handled and counted. Democrats sued to get ballots recognized without matching signatures, and without postmarks, up to three weeks after the election.

Trump is keeping a close eye on this state, and litigation is on the horizon for all of this.


This all reeks of democrat voter fraud. This is how they operate. They lie, cheat, and steal to get power. They hate the American people for voting for Trump. They don't care about our rights or our voices. They censor us so we can't expose them. They threaten to burn it all down if they don't get what they want. The democrat party is evil and it is anti-American.

This was their last chance to grab power. They knew a Trump reelection spelled doom for the Biden crime family. They knew it spelled doom for Obama's and Hillary's illegal spying operation on Trump. So this time they pulled out all the stops. Massive voter fraud. Blatant voter fraud. And they know the liberal media will cover for them, and yes that includes Fox News. Always has.

I think the democrats should be treated like the communists they are, and we should expel them from our society. They are trying to sabotage our country and sell us out. Liberal democrats are the enemy within. We must abolish their leaders.

Now, common citizens? They're just ignorant. They were fooled. They can stay if they embrace American values, but no democrat should be allowed to hold office in America ever again.

The silver lining in all of this is that if Trump exposes this widespread fraud, it will forever expose the democrat party as corrupt and as an enemy of the American people. Hopefully they take the fake news media and liberal techno-fascists with them.

Oh, and President Trump better fight this and win it no matter what it takes, because the democrats are not going to let him transition peacefully. If Biden gets in, the democrats will use the FBI and IRS to put Trump through the Flynn/Stone/Manafort treatment.

As for the rest of us, we need to let President Trump know that we have his back in all of this.

The integrity of our elections must be secured.

Believe it!