Thursday, November 5, 2020

Chaos was always part of the plan

The goal of this chaos is to either successfully steal the election or lose the election but create a miasma of doubt. 
Either way, the Democrats will consider it a win.

The election returns last night were utter chaos. I don’t know if you stayed up to watch the returns roll in. I made it until about 1:30 and decided to call it a night.

No doubt there is fuckery afoot.

The President had a comfortable lead in Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina and Michigan when suddenly counting seemed to just stop.

While Fox News apparently refused to call Florida for Trump despite his overwhelming lead, they quickly called Arizona for Biden when more than half the votes were uncounted. Even Arizona’s governor called Fox out on this flagrant screw-up.

All of it stinks to high heaven. And the chaos that’s ensued was baked in from the very beginning.

For over two hundred years this country has managed to elect a President with votes cast on one day and counts tallied in one night.

And now that basic system is shot to hell.

In that respect, COVID was China’s great gift to the Democrats. It provided them the perfect excuse to unleash chaos on our election by giving them a pretense to deploy an insecure vote-by-mail scheme.

Trump knew chaos was coming. He warned about it for months.

But the chaos was always part of the Democrats’ plan.

Here’s the bottom line. The Democrats will use mail-in ballots as a pretense to pull the election out from under President Trump and hand Biden a win. And if, despite their best efforts, that doesn’t work because President Trump takes them to court and is declared the winner, the Democrats are set up for another four years of calling Trump “illegitimate” while accusing him of stealing the election in the courts.

Either outcome is a win for them.

The Democrats will either succeed in outright stealing the election, or they’ll fail while creating a miasma of doubt over the legitimacy of our free and fair elections.

Chaos was always the objective. Always.

It’s why the Democrats early on put together a team of lawyers who have been battling in court for months to weaken the efficacy of our electoral system.

It’s why the polls were all wrong.

Listen, a lot of people are saying polling outfits will have to take a good long look at themselves over just how badly they did. But they’re not going to do that because they got it wrong on purpose.

All the more to feed the chaos.

This election will end up in court. I think we all knew that was where it was headed.

I hope Team Trump doesn’t back down. And if his late-night speech is any indication, he isn’t backing down.

Many of us have been saying for quite some time that 2020 would be ugly – that the Democrats will stop at nothing to gain power. And we’re seeing that unfold right now.

Remember, even Joe Biden bragged about their extensive voter fraud operation.

The uncertainty caused by this chaos was just what the Democrats wanted.

It’s unnerving.

It’s infuriating.

But sadly, it was completely expected.

They want you to distrust our elections.

They want you discouraged and dispirited.

Because in chaos they see their path to power.

They believe they can use this chaos to permanently and radically alter our constitutional system of choosing a President.

And over the coming days, this is only going to get uglier.