Saturday, November 7, 2020

Burning Down the House

While burning down the House in favor of the Squad seemed a good idea to Nancy, it turns out voters aren’t too keen on the Lipstick Marxists.

Yesterday Washington Post Congressional reporter Erica Werner tweeted out a thread of a Democrat caucus conference call that is a barn-burner. As I was reading it, the Talking Heads’ song “Burning Down the House” got stuck in my head.

Despite the mail-in-ballot cheating that is pushing the demented oldster over the top, the Democrat House majority took a shellacking in this election. And the poor Dems just can’t wrap their heads around what went wrong.

What went wrong is Pelosi spent the last two years burning down the House. She tossed aside what few moderate Democrats remained in order to cozy up to the radical socialist “Squad.”

And while burning down the House in favor of the Squad seemed a good idea to Nancy, it turns out voters aren’t too keen on the Lipstick Marxists.

Here’s the transcript from Erica Werner’s thread:

Spanberger on the Dem caucus call: We lost races we shouldn’t have lost. Defund police almost cost me my race bc of an attack ad. Don’t say socialism ever again. Need to get back to basics. (Is yelling.)

If we run this race again we will get fucking torn apart again in 2022, Spanberger says

Pelosi comes back on and says she disagrees, they won the House and presidency

We have a mandate! Pelosi says before getting off the call

Also earlier in the call Debbie Mucarsel-Powell who lost her race was crying , and mentioned how people can’t pronounce her name, and said stop being negative on Twitter

Jeffries comes back on to tell people to stop leaking and that reporters aren’t your friends! 😢

Jayapal is telling Jeffries to find the leakers! 🤐

It just keeps going as Pascrell now calling out Schumer. Pelosi’s done an amazing job … but where’s Schumer in all of this? Says Pelosi has one hand tied behind her back

Rashida Tlaib saying before we make painful statements we need to wait and see how the numbers come down, feels like I’m being asked to be quiet and we need to appeal to certain people, and that’s not right

Tlaib: They called Obama worse, they called him a Muslim, a socialist, you can blame these words but if it wasn’t on BLM would’ve been something else

The end is in sight for this Dem caucus call that started more than two hours ago. Jeffries said 7-8 mbrs in queue and then will wrap up. Anyways I have to go help with kids zoom piano lessons so leaving it here

One more random detail is that Earl Blumenauer said marijuana was the big winner of the election citing successful ballot initiatives in various places

You know, I said back in July of 2019 that the Lipstick Marxists were going to be the millstone of the Democrat Party.

And what I wrote about then seems to have aged quite well:

The more these women talk, the more horrified Americans are by what they say. Shoving them into the spotlight and giving them a platform from which to utter their hateful rhetoric is a tremendously bad idea. Yet here we are.

Now, it doesn’t surprise anyone outside of DC and New York that Republicans picked up seats.  Nancy burning down the House for the benefit of four radical Leftists with a lot of Twitter followers was going to turn off the Normals.

BDW Tweet Burning Down the House

Can you believe Nancy told these angry Dems that they had a mandate?

A mandate?

They lost seats. If they had a mandate, they would have gained seats.

Does Nancy even live in the real world?

In the end the Democrats will probably have the thinnest majority since FDR. And the blame for burning down the House can be laid directly at Nancy Pelosi’s grizzled feet.

She tried to harness the social media popularity of the Squad and the Squad, like Frankenstein’s Monster, turned against her.

All those suburban voters who handed the Democrats the majority in 2018 weren’t as enamored with the Lipstick Marxists as Nancy was. And Tuesday, they let her know it.

I don’t blame the Democrats for being angry. But they could’ve done something other than waste a year investigating Trump while sucking up to the Squad. They could’ve put the interests of their constituents above the ResistanceLOL. But they didn’t do any of that.

So screw ‘em all.