Monday, November 9, 2020

If Biden Voters Only Saw These Things First...... Would They Have Voted For Him?

If Biden Voters Only Saw These Things First......
Would They Have Voted For Him?

First, let me tell you I have cut the cable, I do not watch mainstream TV but do watch most major news broadcasts in the evening through the internet. I do not have CNN, MSNBC, or ABC, CBS and FOX playing continuously in the background as many people do. I am proud to say I did vote for Trump in 2020, although I live in a Democrat led state in which Biden won. [A side note: In my district there were many ballot questions on taxes, voter rights, and protected species questions. The animals won, voters decided to abolish the electoral vote, and taxes will go up.]

Cutting the cable 6 years ago was the best thing I have done in all of my life of political awareness. It has given me peace of mind, truth, and a clear vision of what political candidates stand for. As a gay man of more than 6 decades I have seen and experienced many wrongs, lies, excessive bias because of my natural feelings and emotions. I am married to a wonderful partner for 19 years [recently acknowledged by the federal government] am both of us live a quiet and peaceful life filled with family, friends, and neighbors. I have several successful businesses and my partner is an administrator for a major health organization, I have also been HIV+ for 27 years with a recent AIDS diagnosis. But I digress, this election cycle has been one of the most lopsided and excessively biased democrat leaning campaign I have ever witnessed.

Since the day Trump announced his candidacy the press has hounded Trump, analysed every step, movement, or position he has taken and spun them into a narrative of negative and inane articles and soundbites. Never has a president had to endure such constant badgering and negative reporting. Trump has followed through on every single promise he made prior to election in 2016, he improve the life of every single American, the economy boomed, unemployment shrank to record levels, taxes for low level income and middle income were lowered, but the press never acknowledge his achievements. Instead a constant barrage of negativity ensued. The left, Pelosi, Schumer, Shit for brains Schiff, and many others nitpicked issues and attempted a legal grab for power, resulting in a House impeachment.

Now the press has appointed itself as Presidential Electorate and announced Biden as the President Elect with the election still ongoing. Arrogance has no bounds. I just have one question; Who made the press the decision maker?

I am a voracious current event reader/watcher. One source I use is YouTube, because many mainstream media outlets use it to promote and publish their broadcasts and articles. YouTube has been quite neutral in its promotion of, "liked" videos. [popularity drives promotion of videos.] I can find extreme left and right political opinions as well as conspiracy, outright lies and fabricated stories and articles about just about anything. Recently, actually since November 3 the algorithms have changed on my "recently uploaded" category, in fact they have changed throughout all of my settings. I only get articles about Biden's, "win" and what he is going to do after January 21, 2021. I no longer get the controversial reporting of Trump vs Biden, the ongoing rioting of BLM, or of conservative ideology. It would seem YouTube has now acquiesced to promoting liberal, left, and progressive views. This morning I wondered what had happened to the Hunter Biden hard-drive and the outcome of the FBI's investigation. I found not one peep in the promoted videos...although just two days ago I could have wondered around lounging in them. But I did find this video resulting in the following Google search. I eagerly suggest viewing the YouTube video in its entirety, I think you will find it amusing. The following link [below the video] is a link to my search on google, I am not going to post the direct links as the content of the individual links would violate's user policy agreement, but do feel free to browse the links. I think you will be surprised what the mainstream media is suppressing or maybe not.

Now the truth about "Butt Holes". I do not follow this blogger or internet poster but I do find the pictures to be authentic and the articles cited within the post verifiable. Take a look,. By the way It's NSFW.

That's it for me today, I hope everyone has a great day! And of course it would take a gay man to reveal these articles....


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