Wednesday, November 11, 2020

As Recounts and Court Cases Mount 70 Percent of Republicans Have Concluded the Election Was Fraudulent


Article by Streiff in RedState

As Recounts and Court Cases Mount 70 Percent of Republicans Have Concluded the Election Was Fraudulent

A new poll by Politico/Morning Consult finds that 70% of Republicans do not believe the election held last week was “free and fair.”

After the presidential race was called for Democratic candidate Joe Biden, Republicans’ trust in the election system plummeted, while Democrats’ trust soared, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll.

Multiple new organizations announced Biden as the election winner on Saturday after four days of counting in several swing states. Following the news, 70 percent of Republicans now say they don’t believe the 2020 election was free and fair, a stark rise from the 35 percent of GOP voters who held similar beliefs before the election. Meanwhile, trust in the election system grew for Democrats, many who took to the streets to celebrate Biden’s victory on Saturday. Ninety percent of Democrats now say the election was free and fair, up from 52 percent before Nov. 3 who thought it would be.

Among Republicans who believed that the election wasn’t free and fair, 78 percent believed that mail-in voting led to widespread voter fraud and 72 percent believed that ballots were tampered with — both claims that have made a constant appearance on the president’s Twitter thread. Like President Donald Trump, a majority of the people that thought the election was unfair, 84 percent, said it benefited Biden.

The article frames the lack of trust as being caused by President Trump.”

The skepticism has particularly been fueled by the Trump campaign, which has filed more than half a dozen lawsuits in states like Pennsylvania, Nevada, Michigan and Georgia since Election Day. Two days after the race was called for Biden, Trump continues to tweet out that “Nevada is turning out to be a cesspool of Fake Votes” and “Pennsylvania prevented us from watching much of the Ballot count.”

They say this because they think you are stupid and you aren’t smart enough to see what’s going on and coming to a logical conclusion. In fact, they are asking you to view the goings-on and coming to the exact opposite conclusion that the State Department or professional election observers would come to should they be confronted with the same facts and observations. And unless they can paint this finding as a function of Trump’s ability to be a Svengali to his followers, the implications are grim.


 Yikes! State Department Precedent Qualifies This 2020 Election as “Rigged”

 Our Election Process Looks at Least as Fraudulent as That of Gabon and Ukraine and There Is No Reason to Trust the Results

 This is a sign that things are not going how the Democrats and their fluffers in the media had predicted. Instead of laying down and rolling over, as the evidence mounts that fraud was blatant and widespread (see my take on that here This Isn’t Just the Theft of an Election, This Is a Message to All of Us), anger is growing. If President Trump does not concede, and I do not think that he should (see President Trump Must Never Concede This Election to Joe Biden), this supermajority of Republicans presents a huge challenge to the Democrats when they are forced to face the voters again in 2022.

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