Friday, November 27, 2020

Andy got an Emmy because the Left rewards failure

He isn’t really a leader, he just plays one on TV.

mentioned the other day that Andrew Cuomo was getting an Emmy Award for his televised press conferences. And even now, several days later, I am still shaking my head in disgust.

It’s bad enough that Hollywood and the media shield and protect Democrats when they fail.

But the fact that their failures are met with honors and awards is disgusting beyond belief.

And it happens all the time — the most famous example of course was Barack Obama being given the Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing but getting elected.

But Barack is just the tip of the Failure Gets Rewarded Iceberg.

There are tons of examples, and Cuomo’s Emmy is just the latest.

Immediately after the loathsome Sally Yates was fired as acting Attorney General, she was nominated for the prestigious (or once prestigious) JFK “Profile in Courage.”

Loser Stacey Abrams refused to concede defeat in the Georgia Governor’s race. And because for Democrats, failure is a resume-enhancer, Chuck Schumer invited Abrams to give the coveted “Democrat Response” to President Trump’s 2019 State of the Union Address.

Jaime Harrison lost his Senate challenge to Lindsey Graham by a wide margin. And now he is being seriously considered for the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

Failure is rewarded on the Left – mostly because if they only rewarded Democrats for concrete, measurable successes, nobody on their side would ever get a single honor.

So is it any wonder Governor Grandma Killer gets an Emmy?

Does anyone expect the Hollywood Elite to act any differently than anyone else on the Left?

As Becket Adams pointed out on Twitter:

Cuomo winning an Emmy for his pandemic response has real shades of when Obama won the 2009 Nobel Peace prize.

The chief difference is that at least Obama won the award *before* he amassed a small mountain of dead bodies.

Andrew Cuomo getting an Emmy — or even a freaking book deal — after the catastrophe he unleashed on New York (and seeded to the rest of the country) is something those of us in the real world find obscene.

But Leftists don’t live in the real world. They live in a world where they are always the heroes — even when the bodies pile up around them.

Cuomo as the Hero of the COVID Pandemic is just as fictional a role as George Clooney playing an ER doctor. So in that respect, if they’re going to give him an award, the Emmy makes sense.

Does Cuomo think he deserves this Emmy? Well, yes.

He is, after all, the least self-aware man in the world.

Now, that isn’t to say Andrew Cuomo hasn’t deserved some kind of trophy. And the least I could do was offer a suggestion of what that trophy might be.

I call it “the Golden Reaper.”

Cuomo's Emmy - The Golden Reaper