Wednesday, October 28, 2020

With ACB confirmed, Democrats decide it’s time to get radical

The Democrats actually think they lost this fight over ACB is because … wait for it … they weren’t radical enough.

The Notorious ACB is now Supreme Court Justice ACB, and the Democrats, their media handmaids, and their pals in Hollywood are apoplectic with rage.

And for some reason, they actually think they lost this fight over ACB because … wait for it … they weren’t radical enough.

You got that America!

You won’t have those measured and thoughtful Democrats to push around anymore. No sir! They’re going to try something totally different and get radical!

And everyone who has been in a coma for the last three decades is shaking in their boots.

The rest of us, on the other hand, are laughing ourselves silly.

If there is one thing you can always count on, it’s the fact that Democrats never ever learn from their mistakes.

You know why Democrats lost the Senate in 2014?

Because they were too radical.

You know why four Senate Democrats lost their seats in 2018?

Because of what those radical, take-no-prisoners assholes did to Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

And now they think the best response to ACB getting confirmed is to crank up the radicalism to Spinal Tap 11?

Honestly, these fools do not understand the basic science behind cause and effect.

I mean who with half a brain actually thinks “Gosh, Americans are rejecting our radical ideas. I know! Let’s get more radical!”

It isn’t because they weren’t radical enough that ACB is now Justice ACB.

It was their radicalism that delivered the Senate to the Republicans in the first place.

Their radical ideas do not reflect the majority of Americans.

Nor, in fact, does their crazy opposition to Amy Coney Barrett.

According to polling last week, Gallup found 51% of Americans wanted the Senate to confirm ACB – including 52% of Independents.

Meanwhile, the Politico/Morning Consult poll from last week had support for ACB’s confirmation also at 51% — with only 28% saying she should not be confirmed.

But rather than take stock, do a little self-reflection and recalibrate, these nitwits choose to double-down on the very radicalism that lost them the Senate.

And even stupider, they’re cranking up their histrionics and radical threats a week before the election.

How out of touch are these fools anyway?

You know why Joe Biden is twisting himself into knots to avoid saying he supports expanding the number of justices on the Supreme Court?

Because the majority of Americans oppose court-packing.

How pathetic are these people that, even as hapless as he is, Joe Biden has more sense than they do to keep his radical ideas to himself?

Do they really believe that increasing the volume on all the crazy things Americans reject will somehow get those Americans to rally to their side?

Democrats are like the stereotypical ugly American who believes that those stupid foreigners who don’t understand his English will understand him better if he speaks English LOUDER.

Screaming your radical ideas isn’t going to make those ideas any less radical or any more palatable.

In fact, it’ll only make it clearer to voters that the Democrats have no business being in power.

So scream away, you idiots. Scream away.