Monday, October 12, 2020


To protect the Biden campaign, our garbage news media is actually pretending they don’t know what court-packing means.

It appears the Democrats have sent out to the media their latest talking point regarding court-packing, and it’s an absolute doozy.

But, because they are in the tank for Harris/Biden and really, really want to shield them from scrutiny over their unwillingness to address the Democrats’ plan to pack the court, the media is dutifully playing along.

And what’s the latest shift in narrative?

Well, oh yeah?! The Republicans have been packing the court for YEARS!

And their definition of court-packing is … filling vacancies.

So here’s my Ted Talk: Filling vacancies ≠ court-packing

Any halfwit knows that.

Even the quarter-wits in the Democrat Party and the media know that filling vacancies is not court-packing. They’re just hoping enough voters are less than quarter-wits.

Clearly Joe’s inadvertent moments of honesty — first with his “You have to vote for us to find out what we’ll do” moment, then his idiotic “voters don’t deserve to know” — are requiring some all-hands-on deck damage control.

And since old Joe and his shrill running mate do not want to go on record as to whether or not they plan to add justices to the Supreme Court (ie: court-packing), they’re all hoping this moronic “It’s the Republicans who are packing the court” counterattack will distract us.

Kamala hinted at this strategy during Wednesday’s debate – mostly as a way to avoid directly answering the question on whether they would pursue adding justices to the Supreme Court (ie: court-packing).

But after Joe’s monumental screw-ups, this strategy became more overt.

So yesterday Joe flat-out runs with it:

And rather than fact-check this monstrous lie, the idiots in the news media, like the slobbering dogs they are, all dutifully repeat it as if it’s truth:

It really is amazing the lengths these hacks will go to protect the radical plans of the Harris/Biden ticket.

Instead of fact-checking Biden’s ludicrous statement and concluding “FALSE: Filling vacancies ≠ court-packing,” these obedient campaign operatives masquerading as “journalists” just repeat the lie as if it’s fact.

When Vice President Pence stated in the debate that both Kamala and old Joe are on record saying they want to get rid of fossil fuels and fracking, these same hacks twisted themselves into knots in order to claim Pence’s statement was “false,” or at the very least “lacking context.”

But, see, the purpose of the news media is to shield and protect the Biden campaign. And given Joe’s ability to say the quiet part out loud, they’re busier than a one-armed paper-hanger.

When it comes to the Democrats plan to pack the court with additional justices, the hope is enough Americans are ignorant about the term “court-packing” to understand the difference between filling vacancies and adding additional seats thereby increasing the total number of justices on the court.

The Democrat Party has depended on the stupidity of voters for decades. They want the American people ignorant of their own history and system of government. Why do you think history and civics are the least-taught subjects in public schools?

It’s why the odious Elizabeth Warren thinks she can get away with actually saying this:

That is a sitting United States Senator claiming Ginsburg, not the Constitution, gives “marching orders” to the Senate.

That claim is unbelievably brazen in its dishonesty.

But this is what you can get away with when you dumb down generations of American citizens to the point where they don’t even know the their own history or system of government – or even the definition of terms.

Informed voters would never fall for bullshit like this. And if we had a Free and Independent Press, they would see to it that the American people are informed enough to understand precisely what court-packing is.

But we don’t have a Free and Independent Press. As I have been saying for years, the American press willingly enslaved themselves to the Democrat Party.

Their job is not to inform the public; their job is to protect Democrats and ensure they get elected.

Even if that means perpetrating a nonsensical, completely off-base talking point that simply isn’t true.