Sunday, October 18, 2020

VP Pence holds campaign rally in Reading, Pa.


OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 7:25 AM PT – Sunday, October 18, 2020

With barely two-weeks before Election Day, Vice President Mike Pence headed to Pennsylvania to share President Trump’s message to “Make America Great Again.” He visited Reading on Saturday, where he delivered remarks at a rally held at the Reading Regional Airport.



Pence touted the President’s efforts in battling the coronavirus, helping the economy recover and his unwavering support for law enforcement. He also highlighted the Trump administration’s efforts toward acquiring a viable COVID-19 vaccine that would be made available for America’s most vulnerable.

“President announced yesterday a plan with CVS and Walgreens to deliver and administer vaccines to our seniors in nursing homes and across the nation for free as soon as they’re available,” announced the Vice President.

Pence went on to say Joe Biden would be a Trojan horse for the radical left.

“But you’ll deserve to know in Pennsylvania, Joe Biden and the radical left want to crush American energy under a $2 trillion version of the Green New Deal,” he stated. “It will cost jobs across this state and across this country, it would raise the cost of electricity for every family household in this state and across the country.”



The Vice President reminded the Pennsylvania voters of Biden’s support for defunding police while President Trump stands up for them.

“When asked if he’d support cutting funding for law enforcement, Joe Biden said, yes, absolutely,” he noted. “Let me make you a promise, under President Donald Trump we’re not going to defund the police — not now, not ever.”

Pence also expressed optimism about the open seat on the Supreme Court.

“I will make you a prediction, Judge Amy Coney Barrett is going to be Justice Amy Coney Barrett,” he stated. “We are going to fill that seat!”

The Vice President will hold another rally at the capital city airport in Harrisburg on Monday. 



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