Thursday, October 15, 2020

Vanilla Joe releases a Rap Ad because Despacito wasn’t cringy enough

Why is it politicians insist on 
treating blacks like they’re 
nothing more than 
2-Dimensional stereotypes?

Just when America forgot all about Joe’s embarrassing “Despacito” Hispandering, Team Biden launches a painful, cringy Rap ad targeting black men.

Yeah. The candidate who still talks about record players has released a Rap ad.

Somewhere in Chappaqua, Hillary breathes a sigh of relief because now her idiotic Hot Sauce pander doesn’t look so embarrassingly shameless.

I tried to get all the way through the Rap ad. But it’s over two minutes long and I just couldn’t do it. I think I made it about thirty seconds before self-preservation kicked in and I had to stop.

If you are a glutton for punishment, you can watch it...

Why is it politicians insist on treating blacks like they’re nothing more than 2-Dimensional stereotypes?

The people who would never try appealing to white voters by releasing a Country Music ad don’t think twice about treating black voters like a monochromatic bloc who can only make important decisions if it is presented to them in free-style rap.

During the primaries, Kamala did the same thing. She jettisoned her own culturally rich background and pretended that being black in America was smoking the dope and listening to Tupac. Daniel Greenfield referred to Kamala’s shameless pander as “Kamala Harris’ Political Blackface Routine.”

Harsh. But true.

So I guess I’m not entirely surprised that Team Biden would dream up something as condescendingly insulting as a Rap ad.

But, to quote a septuagenarian politician, “C’mon, man!”

They could release a new Rap ad every single day from now until November 3rd, and it won’t change the fact that Joe Biden is a seventy-seven-year-old senile old white man who has a nasty habit of insulting black people on a near-regular basis.

He isn’t Dr. Dre for crap’s sake. He isn’t even Vanilla Ice.

The one thing I love about President Trump is he addresses everyone the same way. He doesn’t tailor his message depending on whether he’s talking to blacks or Hispanics or men or women or young or old. And he certainly doesn’t deploy ad campaigns that rely on 2-dimensional stereotypes. No matter who we are, we all get the same Trump.

This desperate, grasping attempt to appeal to specific identity groups by boiling them down to their stereotypes is patronizing as hell.

If Biden/Harris had a strong, solid message, this kind of pandering would be entirely unnecessary.

But they don’t, yo.