Friday, October 30, 2020

This Economic News hurts Biden far more than HunterGate

This economic news is yet another “Promises Made. Promises Kept” moment for President Trump. And the very last thing Team Biden wanted.

Did you see the economic news that came out yesterday morning? 

Holy smokes, is it tremendous.

President Trump has been assuring the country all along that once these state-imposed lockdowns started to end, our economy would come roaring back.

With this economic news, it’s clear that, once again, President Trump was right.

This is the benefit of having an economy built on a strong foundation rather than a bed of sand.

Let’s be honest, if the Trump economy was built on a bed of sand, there would be no coming back from the state-imposed, pandemic-response lockdowns.

But by targeting onerous regulations and crippling taxes, by renegotiating trade deals that resulted in jobs coming back to the US, President Trump’s economy was built, not on sand, but a solid foundation.

This economic news is yet another “Promises Made. Promises Kept” moment for President Trump. And it is the very last thing the Biden campaign wanted.

Central to Joe’s campaign focus on COVID has been the claim that President Trump took the mythical super-strong economy of the Obama years and trashed it. And only Joe Biden, economic genius that he is, can save our economy the same way he “saved” the economy with the boondoggle known as the Stimulus.

In short, Biden’s economic message relies entirely on the economy languishing in lockdown malaise.

And this economic news completely destroys Biden’s messaging.

We’re not languishing in malaise; we’re roaring back — just as the President said we would.

There’s a reason that, despite the economic downturn caused by the pandemic response, 56% of Americans say they are better off today than they were four years ago.

We know instinctively that the rock-solid foundation on which the Trump economy is built could withstand even the reckless and short-sighted state-imposed lockdowns.

The fact is, this economic news will do far more damage to Joe on election day than the growing scandal involving Hunter.

Because at the end of the day, kitchen table issues are far more important to voters. Americans vote for their best interests, and a strong economy is in everyone’s best interest.

Well, everyone except Team Biden.

Knowing that the President was right — that the economic pain from the state-imposed lockdowns wasn’t enough to keep this roaring economy down – will matter far more to voters than the fact that Joe is a corrupt, scheming politician kanoodling with Communist China.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying Biden’s corruption doesn’t matter. But the truth is voters care far more about the issues that touch them personally. And a booming, resilient economy is something even those who can’t grasp the Biden scandal can wrap their minds around.

So why vote for the guy who promises, without evidence, that he can turn the economy around when President Trump isn’t just promising to do it, he already is.