Thursday, October 15, 2020

The vicious party

Article by Patricia McCarthy in The American Thinker

The vicious party

“Wolves don’t care about the truth.  They care about meat.”  (Perry Mason 2020)

The Democrat party has long been vicious in service to their “any ends justify the means” sort of vicious.  Those of us old enough to remember what Joe Biden and Ted Kennedy did to the superb Judge Robert Bork when he was nominated in 1987 by Reagan for a seat on the SCOTUS knows just how evil democrats can be.  What they did to that fine man was monstrous.  Biden did the same thing to Clarence Thomas in 1991.  Biden’s relish at humiliating Thomas, whose shoes he is not fit to shine, was an even worse example of the politics of personal destruction, an oft-used strategy of this hateful, power-mad party.  How many young democrats know that their party sold their souls to preserve their peculiar institution.  Nearly seven-hundred thousand Americans were killed to preserve the Union and end slavery.  One would think they’d learned a thing or two in the intervening hundred and fifty-five years but they are just as malevolent now as they were when they plotted Lincoln’s assassination for signing the Emancipation Proclamation.  They are as racist today as when they created the racist Jim Crow laws that were implemented in the South until the 1960s when they violently resisted the passage of the Civil rights legislation that was eventually passed by republicans.  Joe Biden is as racist today as when he counted Robert Byrd as a mentor and opposed integration and bussing; he did not want his kids going to school in a “racial jungle.”

The most recent demonstration of the sadistic form of destroying an opponent was the Kavanaugh hearings. So enraged that President Trump was getting a second nominee to the SCOTUS, the left went stark-raving mad.  Vicious does not describe how vengeful they were toward this fine man with an impeccable personal and judicial record.  Out of whole cloth they contrived a phony scandal with the pathetic Christine Blasey-Ford as the willing pawn in their rotten game.  It was all a lie, a vicious, hideous lie.  The media loved it of course; the American people got a glimpse of just how far the democrat party is willing to go to destroy any person they deem an opponent of their radical agenda.

The media absolutely is the enemy of the people.  They bought, hook, line and sinker, the fabricated-by-Hillary  Russia -collusion hoax and ran with it. Now we know that the FBI used the media’s fraudulent reporting as evidence in their investigation of the President’s alleged Russia connections.  The entire fiasco was a circular love fest.  The co-conspirators -  Comey, McCray, Yates, Strzok, Page, Brennan, Clapper, Schiff, et. al., all knew the “dossier” was phony.  Now we know that they all knew there was never any collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. But they were thrilled by their own cleverness.  They were going to take down this outsider once and for all.  They pushed it into the media, the media of course ran with it with jubilation.  They, the media that are arms of the DNC, were tickled pink that they were going to be the engine of the conspirators’ plan.  And they most certainly were.  Some of them were awarded Pulitzers for their false reporting and those awards have not been revoked. That tells us everything we need to know about our media.  They are not interested in truth; they see their job as a  duty with one goal:  Pursuing the radical left’s agenda which of course at this moment in time is to destroy President Trump by any means necessary.

As everyone knows, the democrats have never accepted the results of the 2016 election.  Their shock and anger at Hillary’s loss has brought us to where we are today.  Like Jane Fonda, the Wuhan virus was a “gift from God to the left,”  they welcome any chance, any path to the removal of Trump from office.  This virus, the democrats reasoned, was their next chance to ruin Trump’s presidency.  The lockdown of the economy seemed wise in the beginning to “flatten the curve.”  The curve was flattened quickly but the most leftist governors, Newsom, Cuomo, Whitmer, Murphy for example, embraced the lockdowns as the path to defeating the President.  Ruin the economy, ruin Trump was and remains their plan.  Do they care that the lockdown has hurt the poorest people, the small businesses, school children the most?  Not one bit; means to an end.  New York and California are about to be failed states.  So are the left-run cities that were subjected to the left’s brutal handmaidens in the streets, Antifa and Black Lives Matter.  Voters must remember that the democrats never condemned the riots, arson and looting by these groups; they encouraged them.  Harris has wholeheartedly supported them.  She and Biden have expressed no sympathy for the businesses lost, the lives lost to the rioting in those cities. None. 

All of which brings us to the hearings to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the SCOTUS. The dems had clearly been warned not to go full Kavanagh on her but they were just as contemptuous of her judicial philosophy and her Catholic faith as they were of Justice Kavanaugh.  The democrat men – Coons, Booker, Blumenthal, Leahy, Durbin – failed to fake respect for her and used their time to lecture us all on the righteousness of their activist/socialist agenda.  They see the Supreme Court as their last resort to implement policies they cannot get passed legislatively; they need activists like RBG.  The democrat women – Feinstein, Hirono, Klobuchar and Harris, especially Harris and Hirono,  were unable to conceal their scorn for this accomplished and clearly brilliant woman.  They hate, loathe, despise, abominate and abhor her, no question about that.  Chances are that those watching, all but the most blinkered radicals, were seriously put off by those female senators’ grilling of Barrett.  With volumes of notes, scripts in Harris’ case, with which to  assail her, Barrett without notes, swatted away their slippery accusations like the legal dust bunnies they were.  Hirono, as usual, embarrassed herself.  How this woman remains in office is a mystery.  But each of these democrat women set out to destroy Barrett as surely as the entire party and its lackies in the media set out to crush Trump from the moment he announced his candidacy.  If the republicans who hold elected office had half the courage of their convictions the democrats do, (we do have several, just not enough) we might not be living the electoral nightmare we may be about to endure.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are dreadful candidates.  Joe is obviously suffering cognitive decline and he never achieved much in Congress; he has spent his 47 years there enriching himself and his family while lying, plagiarizing and using his position for personal gain.  That should be abundantly clear to every American by now.   Harris is about as unlikeable a person ever to run for office.  She is rude, mean and shrill and was not up to the job of AG in SF; she got that job in a sadly conventional but shabby way.  It earned her the “heels up Harris” sobriquet.  She’s  been unmemorable as a senator but for her attempted evisceration of Kavanaugh during those hearings and she is certainly not VP material, let alone presidential.  Her despicable accusatory questioning of Barrett in the hearings should be the final nail in her White House pretensions.  Consider the scenario of her meeting with any world leader on the world stage on behalf of the United States to discuss, well…anything!  Unimaginable.

Bottom line?  The democrat party has no interest in truth, only the meat that is unrestricted power.  They hate America, our Constitution and our system of government that freely elected Donald Trump.  They prefer the tyrannous governments of Cuba, Venezuela and Mao’s China.  That is where we are headed if Biden wins.


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