Sunday, October 18, 2020

The COVID Intent – Big Tech Buying Discount Office Space in NYC

There’s an old saying: “when there’s blood in the streets buy real estate.”  The modern version of the axiom relates to the strategy of George Soros:  create the crisis; fund the political arsonists; drive the turmoil; then benefit from pre-positioned finances.  Both versions are essentially saying the same thing.

Without opinion as to the origin and possible intent of the Chinese COVID-19 launch, what became obvious early on was how the virus could be weaponized for maximum political value.

Factually, and specifically when contrast against the most recently visible control efforts by social media giants to assist Joe Biden, you might remember back in March, April and May, how any contrary opinion of the COVID-19 hype was met with massive censorship by those exact same social media control agents.

Multinational firms like Google Inc. took down YouTube videos; Facebook banned speech or contrary scientific discussion; and Twitter banned all users who would dare question the COVID narrative.  It was not/is not a coincidence those same voices are now currently suppressing information and pushing Joe Biden for the 2020 election.

If you realized the hype of COVID-19 was a weaponized narrative, then this recent story shows how the control agents also know that hype program is soon to end.  Look:

(Forbes) Big Tech is bucking two big workforce trends. Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Google are all scooping up New York City commercial real estate after prices have plummeted due to the fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic. The companies are making a bold contrarian bet that Manhattan will bounce back and  there will still be a need for people to work in offices.

According to the New York Times, Facebook leased enough space in the city to triple the amount of people that can work in New York. Apple, which has been in the city for at least a decade, plans to expand its footprint there. Google and Amazon are snatching up space in New York—greater than any other place in the U.S. Amazon recently paid about $1 billion to acquire the Lord & Taylor flagship building in Midtown Manhattan from WeWork. Collectively, the tech behemoths can accommodate over 20,000 workers.  (read more)

Obviously Big Tech knows the window of opportunity is likely to close with the result of the 2020 election.  If Biden wins the virus hype will simply disappear like all other seasonal flu.  Media quits shouting about it, and all of a sudden it’s gone.  If Trump wins the economic engine will overwhelm the virus narrative and eventually they will have to concede the hype-battle.  So after November 3rd, the value of  COVID diminishes greatly.

Hence, ‘buy now, while there’s still blood on the streets.”