Sunday, October 25, 2020

'No to Joe' PAC Releases Hilarious 'Weekend at Biden's' Movie Trailer

I don’t know about you, but with an election that might very well change the course of America as we know it — that is, if “the unthinkable” happens — a mere 10 days away, times are somewhat stressful in the world of the political junkie. (Guilty as charged.)

I don’t know this about you either, but for me, a good laugh — preferably at the expense of the Democrats — helps alleviate some of that stress. As luck would have it, I earlier today enjoyed such a laugh — and a few more — as I watched the “trailer” for the “Weekend at Biden’s” movie, a new campaign ad produced by the “No to Joe” PAC.

As reported by Fox News, the ad spoofs the 1980s movie “Weekend at Bernie’s,” with none other than “Sleepy Joe” Biden in the starring role. (Wink-wink.)

The ad shows two young aides through the night with a lifeless replica of the Democratic nominee for president.

There’s also a brief diplomatic meeting between the candidate and foreign officials.

“Hunter still owes us,” one of the diplomats says.

At the end, the two aides push their candidate into the back of an SUV.

“How long do we have to keep this up?” one asks.

“Nov. 3,” the other responds.

Beginning with “Maybe they should’ve stayed in the basement…” the promo reads:

Joe Biden, career politician, is propped up for the Presidential Debate, with strings attached! The radical left and Chinese Communist Party have their hooks into this Manchurian puppet. And the only way they’re going to survive the election is to make it look like Biden has!

Will they make it through Sleepy Joe’s cognitive decline? Or will America and Freedom persist in the face of the radical left, and new world order?

A political ad from No To Joe PAC released the night of the final presidential debate, two weeks from the 2020 US Presidential election.

Help support this project and put this ad on air:

Nick Ward, who created the ad with the No to Joe PAC and appears in it as a beanie-wearing Biden aide, told Fox News on Thursday he wanted it to be funny without being offensive, adding he worries that “mean” attack ads spark anger and divide the country. (That ship sailed a long time ago, Nick.) He hopes Biden will see the ad and laugh, as well.

“I actually hope that Joe Biden sees this and laughs. Sometimes things like humor allow you to look at aspects of yourself, or what you’re involved with, in a way that you weren’t willing to acknowledge before.”

Laugh? If Sleepy Joe sees the ad he’ll no doubt be confused as hell — trying “like the dickens,” as he might say, to remember when he made it. Someone who apparently did laugh was conservative actor James Woods — AKA: “Twitter Boss Extraordinaire.”

Ward told Fox he was concerned that the ad was being suppressed on Twitter — and sure enough, a search on the platform Thursday night found that it appeared to have been flagged as sensitive content. Welcome to the club, Nick.

Almost as hilarious as the ad was a Twitter spokesperson’s “explanation” to Fox News on Friday when questioned about the suppression. It “happened in error,” the spokesman said. Uh-huh, sure it did. The spokesman said the issue has “since been resolved.”

No word if Sleepy Joe intends to attend the premiere or whether he will hold an after-party and sign autographs if he does.