Friday, October 2, 2020

Next Debate Moderator: Former Biden Intern & Rabid “Never Trump” Resistance Member

The next debate moderator has been selected.  The October 15th debate will be moderated by Steve Scully, a former intern for Vice-President Joe Biden and a self proclaimed member of the “never Trump” resistance group.  You can’t make this stuff up:

WASHINGTON – […]  Let’s not forget that another debate looms on the calendar. This one promises to present a stark contrast to Tuesday’s bout. For one thing, experts and critics are already proposing to cancel future debates or launch format changes to quell all that chaos and cacophony.

Then there is the moderator to consider. When debate day dawns on Oct. 15 the moderator will be none other than Steve Scully, senior political editor of C-SPAN. (read more)