Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Media Weaponize COVID Fear to Cover Biden Disappearance

With reports of Joe Biden cancelling all in-person campaign events, the Club members are trying to carry their Potemkin candidate across the finish line.

Everyone is now aware Joe Biden is a cover for the real person the puppeteers want in the oval office, Kamala Harris.

That said, the DNC needs to weaponize the COVID-19 threat as a cover story to explain the lack of campaigning by the Democrat candidates; hence, the media hype of the coronavirus is back this week in full swing.

COVID fear is a narrative cover-story to hide the lack of support for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Part of that cover-story is needed because the MAGA community was showing up in overwhelming numbers at Biden-Harris events, and the false illusion of support -propping up the Potemkin village- was being exposed.  All of these machinations are part of a remarkable attempt at psychological operations in this election. [SEE HERE]

Thus the questioning of President Trump this morning.  WATCH:

♦ Remember, General Stanley McCrystal is working with a SuperPAC to use psychological warfare against the American electorate.   Even the Washington Post admitted:

[…] The group, Defeat Disinfo, will use artificial intelligence and network analysis to map discussion of the president’s claims on social media. It will seek to intervene by identifying the most popular counter-narratives and boosting them through a network of more than 3.4 million influencers across the country — in some cases paying users with large followings to take sides against the president. (source)

The media effort, and that means all media including social media and big tech, is to push down Trump support and elevate the appearance of Biden support.  I really wish people would deeply consider this…

…If ABC (G. Stephanopoulos), CBS (L. Stahl), NBC (S. Guthrie/L. Holt), CNN (writ large), and FOX (C. Wallace/M. Kelly) are willing to stage audience plants (demonstrably done) during town-hall and broadcast television events,… then what exactly do you think those same media outlets are doing with their election polling?

Think about it.

I do not mean casually think about it; I mean really think about it.

Your intellectually honest answer is the only answer you need.