Friday, October 30, 2020

Joe's Fossil Fuel Folly

A numbers guru (not me) ran a few numbers to see how Joe would plan to power 500,000 charging stations without the use of Fossil Fuels. Now this just constitutes the Biden Charging stations he's proposing to have in place by 2025. 
Keep in mind he's claiming to end carbon-based electrical generation by 2035 with zero mention of nuclear in his plan, which is simply an absurd lie he cannot possibly deliver on but that aside here's the numbers for JUST the charging stations 
The chargers 
500,000 - The number of charging stations Joe is planning
$250,000 - The cost per station (Tesla 150kW Super Charger) [caveat Tesla uses fossil fuels to build these]
12 years - The estimated life of a charging station
$125 Billion - The cost to build 500,000 charging stations 
150 kW - A typical Tesla supercharger than can charge two cars at one
75,000,000 kW - The amount of power required for 500,000 charging stations
75,000 megaWatts = 75MM Kw 
Wind Turbines

1.67 MegaWatt = Mean Turbine Capacity in the US
44,910 - The # of turbines required to power the charging stations
3.75 Million Acres - # of acres of land required (average windmill on 50 acres per Megawatt ) 
$15 Billion - $37 Billon - Land Cost average farm land $4k - 10k per acre (much higher in some areas)
$1.5 MM - The cost of an average wind turbine
$67 Billion - The cost to build 44,910 wind turbines
54,000 - Total # of wind turbines CURRENTLY in the US 
3,000 - # of wind turbines installed per year currently
15 years - # of years it would take to reach required # of turbines
20 years - The average life span of a wind turbine
8% - Percentage of US electricity provided by wind energy 

1 MegaWatt takes 4 acres of land
300,000 acres - Required to produce 75,000 MegaWatts
$1 Billion - $3 Billon - Land Cost average farm land $4k - 10k per acre (much higher in some areas) 
$75 Billion - Cost for 75,000 Mwatt Solar Farm (Avg cost $1 per watt at scale)
25 to 30 years - Average life of a solar farm
2% - Percentage of US electricity provided by solar energy 
0 - The number of vehicles that could be built without fossil fuels for the steel, rubber tires, rubber hoses, plastic panels, plastic knobs, door handles, nylon coating on wires, etc. 
Lots of data, but in short, Joe will be dead before 30% of his plan was implemented if he lives to be 100 years old. It will take 15 years just to install all the wind turbines needed. 
Also, interesting how he thinks we can get rid of ALL fossil fuels, but we are sitting at 10% renewable energy (2019 numbers) after 20+ years of development + subsidies for renewable energy for much of that time. Yet, Joe thinks we can phase out all fossil fuels in 15 years. 
The Green New Deal is just BS and is a slush fund that will cost close to 100 trillion dollars by some estimates, not to mention the fact that to truly phase out all fossil fuels puts us back to little house on the prairie days. 
All these far left idiots aren't going to survive without xBox and their vape pens and those stupid toboggans they wear on their heads all summer because they think it's hip and cool. And I got news for you hipsters, those skinny jeans are made with fossil fuels. 
Roscoe Out.......