Saturday, October 24, 2020

Hunter Biden Business Associate Interviewed by FBI...

U.S. Senator Ron Johnson, chair of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, releases the following statement:

Last night Mr. Bobulinski held a press conference outlining his knowledge of presidential candidate Joe Biden being the recipient of payments/bribes from foreign governments through his son Hunter Biden’s arrangements with several entities.  Mr. Bobulinski noted he was willing to pass along the additional evidence in his possession to the FBI including his cell phones and electronic records.  Apparently that process is taking place.

The current public evidence shows Hunter Biden was essentially the bagman for the Biden family; and various foreign business interests paid money into Hunter’s accounts as a pass-through to pay-off Joe Biden for his influence on policy that supported their financial interests.  Joe Biden is fully exposed within the sworn statement by Tony Bobulinski.

Unfortunately, due to their demonstrable political corruption, the appearance by the FBI in this situation is not met with any confidence that an actual and valid investigation would take place.

According to all reporting; and in line with all documentary evidence released so far; the FBI was already in possession of similar evidence from the laptop of Hunter Biden since December 2019, and yet they did nothing.

In December of 2019 President Trump was in the middle of an impeachment effort for his contact with the Ukrainian President Zelensky and a request for an investigation into corrupt payments to the Biden family.  The impeachment effort was taking place at the exact moment the FBI was in custody of the Biden laptop showcasing factual evidence that President Trump’s concern was not only valid, but factually evident.

So the obvious question is: why the FBI would allow an impeachment effort to take place for three months while they sat on exculpatory evidence that would have highlighted the issues in front of the legislative branch?

The answer to that question only goes in one direction…. Corrupt FBI officials were hiding the Hunter Biden laptop to allow the impeachment effort to attempt President Trump’s removal from office.

There is no valid scenario where the action, or lack thereof, by the FBI can be viewed as anything other than a corrupt and aligned effort to undermine the United States government.  This self-evident reality then calls into question the entire validity of the U.S. DOJ under Attorney General Bill Barr and the FBI under Director Christopher Wray.

Not since the civil war have the institutions of The United States government been as tenuously unstable as they are today.  We are on the precipice of a total collapse in confidence for the justice system in our nation… if we are not there already.

I pray for our nation, against the prescience of Mr Devin Nunes.