Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Good grief, that laugh

There are a lot of reasons Kamala Harris is the worst messenger to deliver votes for Biden. And not the least of which is that laugh of hers.

There are a lot of reasons Kamala Harris is the worst messenger to deliver votes for Biden. And not the least of which is that laugh of hers.

Good grief. That laugh.

Remember the 2012 Vice Presidential Debate between Biden and Paul Ryan? Joe spent half the time grinning like a fool and laughing at anything Ryan said.

But that laugh of Biden’s has got nothing on Kamala’s creepy, wildly inappropriate cackle.

Back during the Democrat primaries, I pointed out that Kamala has a tell whenever she gets caught in a lie.

Kamala has a tell

As I said back then, “Her face gives the game away even before she starts sputtering as her lizard brain scrambles to figure out a lie to cover her lie.”

Did you spot Kamala’s tell in that above clip?

If not, let me give you a hand:

Good grief, that laugh - Tell-02

And immediately following Kamala’s “Quick think of a lie” tell is her other awkward tell — that laugh of hers.

And then that laugh

It telegraphs quite a bit, that laugh of Kamala’s.

She doesn’t know how to answer, so she covers up her inability to think of a lie by laughing inappropriately.

jtLOL Tweet That Laugh

There’s nothing warm or charming about that laugh.

It’s awkward and off-putting.

And Kamala does it every single time she is pressed for an answer to a question that she simply wasn’t expecting.

Last week at American Greatness, Jay Whig wrote what is probably the best column on Kamala’s awful showboating at confirmation hearings: “Kamala Harris’ Method of Questioning Witnesses Reveals Her Low Character.” In it, Whig describes Harris as a “middling intellect.”

The public by now is familiar with her examination style—Kamalexamination seems a fitting name for it—from recalling the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing and now watching Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s.

Kamalexamination is officious. Middling intellects like Harris take great pride in being lawyers, adopting an officious style to display what invariably is their only intellectual achievement. Kamalexamination is a martinet’s affectation. It is alienating, as it is intended to oppress nonlawyers with rank.

“Middling intellect” is not a great recommendation for a president, but it is not the most concerning, either. A middling intellect combined with sub-middling ethics, however, is a problem.

At this point, I think even Kamala Harris knows that she is in way, WAY over her head. On the one hand, she is absolutely delighted by her good fortune. On the other hand, she knows that she doesn’t deserve it.

So when she sits down for an interview where she lacks the carefully-scripted talking points written by her staff to make her appear smart, Kamala flounders and sputters like a fish out of water. And to hide her lack of substance and savvy, she blurts out that laugh – that off-putting, painfully awkward laugh.

But since Joe Biden believes entering the home stretch means doing stretches at home in the basement, Team Biden’s hopes rest entirely on Kamala Harris to carry the ball into the end-zone.

And at the end of the day, Kamala is the same dud candidate she was when she flamed out in the primaries.

At the end of the day, she is just really bad at this.

And every time she burps out that laugh, it’s clear that even Kamala knows it.