Sunday, October 25, 2020

First Lady Melania Trump Announces Halloween at the White House


On Sunday, October 25, 2020, the White House grounds will open to ghosts, fairies, superheroes, tiny goblins and other costumed trick-or-treaters as celebrations commence for the Trump Administration’s fourth annual Halloween festivities at the White House. Gates will open to frontline workers, military families and schoolchildren, accompanied by their parents, from 3:30 PM to 7:30 PM.

This year’s Halloween event will feature a vibrant display of bright-colored leaves that will envelop the South Portico columns in various shades of autumn. An array of chrysanthemums will also cascade down the East and West staircases, presenting subtle highlights of nature’s beauty and will be intermixed with festive pumpkins waiting to greet an audience of costumed trick-or-treaters.

Extra precautions have been put in place by the Trump Administration to help ensure the health and safety of all guests wishing to participate in this year’s spooky celebration.

 The President and First Lady will greet trick-or-treaters as they pass by the South Portico of the White House. Several departments and agencies will be in attendance featuring a variety of fun activities and other items for the children to participate in. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) will have space-related items for kids to observe, as well as a display of an inflatable rocket. Children will be able to wave hello to Smokey the Bear from the Department of Agriculture and stop by the Department of Interior station for a Junior Ranger badge and paper ranger hat. The Department of Labor and the Department of Education will both offer fun photo opportunities with backdrops specific to their agencies. The Department of Transportation will have model rockets on display and paper airplanes available for children to take home. The United States Air Force Strolling Strings will provide an array of traditional Halloween songs and modern tunes for the festivities.