Sunday, October 11, 2020

Feel the heat … coming off the empty pavement

Harris/Biden were in Arizona this week. And, boy howdy, could you feel the heat!

I mean, look at this crowd!

Can’t you just feel the heat?!

Yeah, no. Neither can I.

I’ve seen more people on the sidelines of a pee wee soccer game.

I’m not familiar with Arizona. Is Yuma a tiny one-horse town? Does it have a population of a few dozen people? Is this the best they could muster?

Okay, I just looked it up. Yuma, Arizona has a population of over ninety thousand. Can’t you just feel the heat?!

Did Team Biden not let them know they’d be visiting? Seems unlikely since they arrived in a gaudy bus.

When the supporters who turn up to see you could all fit comfortably on your campaign bus, this is not a good sign.

You wouldn’t know the election is less than a month away.

At first when I saw that tweet, I thought this Charlene Fernandez was being rather tongue-in-cheek – you know, like most of us are when we talk about the “crowds” turning out to see Biden.

But Charlene Fernandez is the Arizona House Democrat Leader.  Her Twitter feed is full of Harris/Biden love. So I’m guessing she unironically tweeted this photo thinking it made the Democrat ticket look good.

The replies are, well… Let’s just say, if sarcasm was sold by the ounce, those replies would cost more than the gross national product of most European nations.

Can’t you just feel the heat? Problem is, the heat in question is radiating off the vast expanse of empty pavement surrounding this tiny group of Biden voters.

I think more people were eating at the diner in my small hometown the day Ivanka Trump visited.

That’s about the same number of people who arrive three days early to get to the front of the line for an upcoming Trump rally.

Actually, that’s probably inaccurate. I’m thinking the folks who camp out for days to see President Trump probably outnumber this gaggle of Biden voters by quite a bit.

Charlene’s picture sends a powerful message – just not the message she thinks it sends.

The election is twenty-five days away and the Biden campaign has all the heat of a soggy dish towel.

And while Harris/Biden were garnering the support of tens of people in Arizona, President Trump was reaching tens of millions just by appearing on Rush Limbaugh’s show.

In fact, in addition to Rush, the President was also interviewed on the Mark Levin show, then he appeared on the number one watched cable news program, Tucker Carlson Tonight, where he did his first sit-down interview since his COVID diagnosis last week.

I keep saying never underestimate the importance of voter enthusiasm, or, for that matter, the enthusiasm gap.

The establishment wins when voter apathy is high. And in 2016, Donald Trump blew that up because he fired us up.

The media and the establishment responded by trying to dispirit us. They did it with endless “Trump has already lost this race” stories a month before the election. They did it by focusing on nonsense “Bombshell” stories – the most infamous being the Access Hollywood recording.

As I said back on October 21, 2016 in my column “Vote:”

The goal of the Enslaved Press and opinion polling is to create an air of inevitability around Hillary Clinton. Their hope is to dispirit you – to leave you feeling as if your vote will make no difference.

They want you to give up and stay home in November. Because that’s the only way Hillary Clinton can win.

But they’ve miscalculated. Their ability to sway you into staying home in defeat rests solely in how much voters trust what the Enslaved Press says.

And we don’t trust them anymore.

Here we are four years later and they’re doing it all over again.

But they have to. See, just like in 2016, the Democrats are again running a horrible candidate who has no hope of ginning up enthusiasm among Democrat voters.

So once again, the media and the establishment’s only hope is to dispirit us.

But we’re not dispirited. Are we?

Biden voters, on the other hand? Well, take a look at that picture again. You can’t feel the heat because there is no heat.

There is no excitement or enthusiasm.

The only way the media and the Biden campaign (same thing) can drive their voters to the polls is by ginning up anger. But as I said a few weeks ago, anger is a poor substitute for voter enthusiasm.

Which is why, when the rubber of the bus tires meets the parking lot, the best your campaign can muster is few dozen sign-holding supporters.