Thursday, October 1, 2020

Did Chris Wallace replace Biden as the Democrat nominee?

Chris Wallace spent more time debating Trump than Biden did. Any time the President drew blood, Chris rushed in like Mighty Mouse saving the helpless Polly Purebred.

Here’s a headline on from Sunday: “Chris Wallace says he hopes to be ‘as invisible as possible’ during first Trump-Biden debate.”

Yeah. He failed.

Now, anyone who lived through the 2016 debates between Trump and Hillary went into last night’s street brawl knowing that Trump would be facing off against two adversaries – the Democrat nominee and the moderator.

But Chris Wallace was so bad, he surpassed the combative hostility of the Trump/Clinton moderators by a country mile.

And I think Candy Crowley just lost the title of “Worst Debate Moderator in the History of the Universe.”

Chris should have stuck with his goal of remaining invisible and just let the two candidates hammer each other.

It was brutal and ugly, yes. But as Jesse Kelly always says, “politics is a contact sport.” I think this debate would have been far more productive if Chris Wallace had just shut the hell up.

Would it have been more brutal and ugly?  Probably.

But Presidents have to deal with chaos, uncertainty, and turmoil on a regular basis. Chris Wallace white-knighting for Biden and attempting to save him from attack was a clear signal to me that Joe Biden is not equipped to deal with chaos, uncertainty and turmoil.

Whereas, Trump having to face off against two adversaries in one debate pretty much confirmed that, when it comes to chaos, uncertainty and turmoil, Trump is equipped to deal with it because this is what he deals with from the adversarial, slanderous press and dishonest DC politicians on a daily basis.

Chris Wallace spent more time debating Trump than Biden did. Any time the President drew blood, Chris rushed in like Under Dog saving the helpless Polly Purebred.

Here he comes to save the day!!

Other than Chris Wallace being the biggest loser, I can’t say who won the debate.

Biden didn’t drool all over the lectern or wander off backstage, so the media will praise him and claim he got the better of Trump.

But if Biden hadn’t been repeatedly rescued by Chris Wallace every time Trump challenged him, it would have been a disastrous night for Biden. I mean, his campaign didn’t need to give him an ear-bud what with Chris Wallace there to pull old Joe’s nuts out of the fire.

I will concede that Trump’s constant barrage of interruptions often got in his own way. He is much better when he can hit his opponent with a single knock-out punch. As a result of the constant barrage, Trump often let one-punch knock-outs slip past him.

And you know something? That is the same criticism I made of Trump after his first debate against Hillary and Lester Holt.

I can’t help but wonder if Trump uses the first debate against an opponent to throw everything he can at the wall to see what sticks.

Unlike the typical career DC politician, Trump doesn’t have a long history with Biden. For a year and a half, Joe has been hurling slanders and lies at Donald Trump unchallenged. Last night was the very first time these two came face-to-face in an election season that began in January of 2019.

I wonder if Trump used last night’s debate as his first face-to-face opportunity to size up his opponent, find his weaknesses, and determine what lines of attack cause the most damage.

Because this is exactly what Trump did in 2016.

While Trump didn’t bring his A-Game to that first debate against Hillary (and Lester Holt), twelve days later when they met again, Trump was on his game. He was able to temper his responses for maximum effect. And, boy, did he know how to best Hillary.

If you recall, it was from the second debate that we heard the now infamous “You’d be in jail” zinger.

There were so many times when he had Hillary on the ropes in that second debate, it was glorious to watch.

Keep in mind, Debate #2 was just a couple days after the release of the “Access Hollywood” tape. Hillary went into that debate thinking the “pussy” tape was going to be her ace in the hole. And thanks to Trump’s masterful handling of her, and despite Anderson Cooper’s attempts to make hay over it, Trump succeeded in turning the Access Hollywood tape into a non-issue in real time.

I think we’re going to see a very different strategy from Trump in the next debate. He spent last night searching for all the effective lines of attack against old Joe. And because of that, Trump will be in fighting form when next they meet.

I think the Biden supporters in the media know that as well – which is probably why they are now urging old Joe to pull out of the other two debates.

Sure, they’re claiming it’s because Trump acted like an unruly lout. But that isn’t why. They saw what I saw, even if they refuse to acknowledge it publicly.

Trump is a learning debater.

He used his time last night to figure out how to target his opponent.

And even with the chaos of last night’s debate, Trump still managed to get Biden cornered on more than one occasion.

You think the Trump campaign isn’t going to make full use of Biden’s insane “Antifa is an idea, not an organization” comment?

The dumbstruck response from Biden when Trump demanded he name one police organization that has endorsed him was brutal as hell.

And clearly, despite all these months to prepare, the Biden campaign still has not come up with a strategy to handle any questions about Hunter’s shady foreign business deals.

Truth is, if Chris Wallace remained as invisible as he claimed he wanted, there would have been far more devastating blows landing on the demented old coot (which, by the way, is exactly why Wallace didn’t remain invisible).

The reason Chris Wallace wasn’t able to do the same in 2016 that he did last night was timing and placement. Wallace moderated the final debate between Trump and Hillary. By that time, Trump knew exactly how to combat the former Miss Rodham and her savior moderators. The first two debates honed Trump’s skill and sharpened his attacks. By the final debate, there was little Chris Wallace could do to stop the Trump juggernaut.

I have no doubt that the Trump we see in the next debate against old Joe will be equally honed and sharpened. He knows now what attacks work; he knows on what issues Biden is most vulnerable. And he will use everything he gleaned last night to the fullest.

Unless, of course, Team Biden huffily refuses to send their old, brain-scrambled candidate into the ring.

On a related note:

The media might be spinning this as a Biden win, but over at Telemundo – the Spanish language network – things look very different.

While Biden might have wowed the media and the die-hard Trump-hating ResistanceLOL, one of the constituencies he desperately needs weren’t impressed in the least.

Ouch. That’s painful.

Don’t worry. I have more to say about this debate. But I’ll save it for another post.