Friday, October 2, 2020

Defaming Americans is the Democrat way

“Vote for us you deplorable 
White Supremacist Nazis!”

We will look back on Hillary’s infamous “Deplorables” slander as the watershed moment in modern politics. It was that statement on September 9, 2016 when the Democrat Party shed all pretense and exposed itself as the party who hates the people. Hillary defaming Americans because they had the temerity to support her opponent opened the floodgates.

And now it seems every Democrat is building on Hillary’s deplorable legacy.

During the Democrat primary season, defaming Americans was common fare. Nearly every Democrat when kissing the ring of election loser Stacey Abrams tossed Georgia voters under the bus by accusing them of racism for not electing her.

As election strategies go, defaming Americans seems a smidge counterintuitive.

But this is now standard operating procedure in the Democrat Party.

It has gotten so pervasive that, as I said back in June of 2019, “Suddenly, Hillary’s Deplorable comment looks quaint.”

How many times did the sanctimonious Pastor Pete Buttigieg accuse Christians of being less than acceptable Christians for refusing to toe the line with his radical policies?

Democrats think nothing of defaming Americans because in their eyes, holding public office is about power and control. That’s one of the reasons Democrats routinely brag about being feared and hated.

And politicians who want the people to fear them are not going to be particularly sensitive about defaming the people.

Like I always say, it isn’t Trump they hate, they hate us. They hate us for electing him. And they hate us for defying them. This is precisely why they do not limit their attacks to just President Trump. We too are their target.

Defaming Americans is one of their strategies for defeating Trump.

It’s why none of these Democrat politicians hesitated to defame Nicholas Sandmann.

And it’s why defaming Kyle Rittenhouse as a White Supremacist came as naturally to them as breathing.

Yesterday, joining the pack defaming Rittenhouse was the man who just Tuesday night declared “I am the Democrat Party” (which probably sounds better in the original French).

The Biden campaign released a video on Twitter that not only accused President Trump of being a White Supremacist, but also defamed Kyle Rittenhouse of being one as well.

Because for Democrats, defaming Americans isn’t the exception, it’s the norm.

Unfortunately for the Democrat Party defaming a private citizen is actionable. And already, Rittenhouse’s attorneys have announced that the Biden campaign will be sued for defamation if they do not remove that slanderous video.

It is hard to portray yourself as the one who will unite Americans when defaming Americans is a large part of your election strategy. Then again, Joe Biden has a long history of attacking and defaming Americans, as I pointed out back in June.

The difference between what Biden did yesterday and what he’s been doing all along is clear. Instead of defaming Americans in a general sense, he singled out one individual and defamed him personally.

Neither is good. But the latter is grounds for a defamation suit.

I think the reason the Biden campaign felt comfortable enough defaming a specific individual is because nobody in the press or television news media has ever called the Democrats out for their vitriolic attacks against Americans. As you might recall, after Hillary’s “Deplorable” comment, many in the press defended her slander.

But it isn’t just the tacit approval from the Press. Not one elected Democrat has vocally objected to this all-too-common practice either.

The Biden Team was no doubt emboldened enough by this lack of repudiation to push the envelope even further.

We expect a politician to attack his opponent.

But for the Democrat Party, that is no longer enough.

No defamation or smear is off the table – even if the target they are defaming is a seventeen year-old boy.

But do tell me again how President Trump is the one dividing the country.