Wednesday, October 28, 2020

‘Confidential Documents’ Obtained By Tucker Carlson On Biden Family Go Missing, Report


Article by Ryan Saavedra in The Daily Wire

‘Confidential Documents’ Obtained By Tucker Carlson On Biden Family Go Missing, Report

Fox News host Tucker Carlson said on his show Wednesday night that confidential documents that his show received from a source about the family of Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden have gone missing.

“There’s always a lot going on that we don’t have time to get to on the air but there is something specific going on behind the scenes that we did feel we should tell you about,” Carlson began. “So, on Monday of this week, we received, from a source, a collection of confidential documents related to the Biden family. We believe those documents are authentic, they’re real, and they’re damning.”

“At the time we received them, my executive producer Justin Wells and I were in Los Angeles preparing to interview Tony Bobulinski about the Biden’s business dealings in China, Ukraine, and other countries,” Carlson continued. “So, we texted a producer in New York and we asked him to send those documents to us in L.A. and he did that. So, Monday afternoon of this week he shipped those documents over night to California with a large national carrier, a brand name company that we’ve used, you’ve used, countless times with never a single problem.”

“But the Biden documents never arrived in Los Angeles,” Carlson said. “Tuesday morning, we received word from the shipping company that our package had been opened and the contents were missing. The documents had disappeared.”

“Now, to it’s credit, the company took this very seriously and immediately began a search,” Carlson said. “They traced the envelope from the moment our producers dropped it off in Manhattan on Monday all the way to 3:44 a.m. yesterday morning. That’s when an employee at a sorting facility in another state noticed that our package was opened and empty, apparently had been opened.”

“So the company’s security team interviewed everyone of its employees who touched the envelope we sent, they searched the plane and the trucks that carried it. They went through the office in New York where our producer dropped that package off. They combed the entire cavernous sorting facility. They used pictures of what we had sent so that searchers would know what to look for, they went far and beyond, but they found nothing.”

“Those documents have vanished, as of tonight, the company has no idea, and no working theory even, about what happened to this trove of materials, documents that are directly relevant to the presidential campaign just six days from now,” Carlson concluded. “We spoke to executives at that company a few hours, they seemed baffled and deeply bothered by this, and so are we.”



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