Saturday, October 3, 2020

Central American Caravan Timed to Interfere With U.S. Election

As a consequence there are a myriad of ideological efforts underway, simultaneously with increased intensity, intended to influence the 2020 election.  Pelosi/Soros Inc. working earnestly on mail in ballots. Big Tech continues efforts to disconnect the voices of their political opposition.  Big Media continues efforts to frame anti-Trump narratives to assist their political allies.  The big Wall St. multinationals, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, are pouring money into efforts to block the re-election of President Trump.

Foreign money is pouring in from China and overseas interests who are negatively impacted by the America First national economic agenda. Regional politicians and their various special-interest groups are being funded to keep fueling antagonisms; and Hollywood influencers are ‘all-in‘ once again to assist the effort.

We can all see it; this time they are not trying to hide… Eyes wide open.  Cue the coordination with the open-border immigration lobby:

GUATEMALA CITY/MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexico’s president on Friday said he suspected political interference behind a new migrant caravan in Central America, promising to keep his country out of the U.S. presidential race as the group splintered and some began turning back.

More than 2,000 migrants, many wearing face masks against the coronavirus, barged past Guatemalan troops at the Honduras-Guatemala border on Thursday. Some said they were seeking to escape poverty aggravated by the pandemic.

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who has taken steps to curb illegal immigration so as to avoid entanglements with his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump, suggested that the caravan’s departure from Honduras had been timed to provoke.

“It is very weird, very strange,” Lopez Obrador told a news conference. “It’s a matter that I believe is linked to the U.S. election.”

He said he did not have definitive evidence to support that claim, but his words turned up pressure on the migrants. (read more)

Obama speaking at National Council of La Raza