Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Can the Biden campaign last one more week?

Article by Stephen E. Strang in The American Thinker

Can the Biden campaign last one more week?

The Biden laptop scandal is the biggest October surprise in modern political history. The Biden campaign is in crisis -- and it could, and should, cost him the election.

No longer is Biden the “sweet old Uncle Joe” of days gone by. While the 77-year-old seems more genteel at times than the 74-year-old tough-talking Trump, this isn’t about Trump being “bad” and Biden being “better.” This is about Biden’s very big crisis -- a crisis he cannot dismiss by calling it “garbage,” “a smear,” or “a set-up.”

In the midst of a bitter faceoff between President Donald Trump -- who’s kept his promises as president despite fierce Democratic opposition, protected religious freedom and constitutional rights -- and former Vice President Joe Biden, along comes unmistakable proof that the Bidens have been involved in a deceptive web that includes selling influence and enriching the family. Americans now have a major reason not to vote for Joe Biden.

Never mind his problematic policies on gun control, the border, and energy. Americans don’t want the corrupt in power. It’s that simple. If Hillary Clinton’s foundation peddled access to her when she was secretary of state; this is much worse. How could a compromised Biden ever stand up to countries like China and Russia, which have already paid his family millions?

While the Biden campaign may seem steady, this growing crisis has shaken their foundation. While readers of my books know I’ve been a Trump supporter, I didn’t see all of this coming when I wrote “God, Trump, and the 2020 Election before the primaries -- but this changes everything.

The proof of corruption is not only on Hunter Biden’s laptop. More allegations keep coming from former Biden business associates. Along with Hunter Biden’s drug abuse, pornography, and worse, evidence suggests he received $1.5 billion from China for a private equity firm and an 80 percent equity stake in CEFC, the China energy company. Emails also allegedly detail Joe Biden’s connection to the funds given his family. In one text to his daughter, Hunter Biden wrote that he’d been “paying” for everything for the family for 30 years, “but unlike Pop, I’m not going to ask you to kick back half your salary.”

Rudy Giuliani shared a screenshot of that text on Twitter. Giuliani, many will remember, served as U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York and had a record 4,152 convictions, including many related to organized crime. He called Biden “a decrepit little criminal.”

There’s more evidence against Biden. Meanwhile, the media continues to defend Biden without examining or even trying to examine the evidence. This is the same media that published numerous unverified attacks on Trump by disgruntled and partisan “unnamed sources” and couldn’t say the word “impeachment” enough.

It gets worse. When Big Tech entities like Twitter and Facebook ban even the dissemination of the Biden laptop story because it looks bad for their guy, think what they will do to conservative ideas if Biden ever gets elected. It would be far worse than Orwell’s 1984 ever depicted.  

It will take time to sort through all the damning information on multiple laptops to see if criminal charges will be brought over possible bribes of foreign agents, or worse. And the laptop is now said to be connected to an FBI money laundering inquiry. In the meantime, we have an election -- and the future of America is at stake.

There are many other reasons not to vote for Biden -- including the lackluster campaign he’s run and the fact that he’s a serial plagiarist. But for anyone still on the fence, it’s time to see the light. This is beyond personality. This is beyond policy. This is about raw, base corruption. If even 10 percent of the laptop stories are true, it’s enough to keep Joe Biden from the presidency.

If you’re stuck on Trump’s rough-around-the-edges personality, then vote against political corruption -- and the scary mindset of the Deep State and the media “elites” that this Biden scandal should be censored or set aside.

It’s a very big deal. Biden cannot be trusted. We are better than this. America deserves better.



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