Sunday, October 25, 2020

Bongino Interviews Rudy Giuliani + Cahaly, Cortes on Election

Host Dan Bongino had a great podcast and series of interviews on October 23rd that is well worth watching.  Bongino interviews Robert Cahaly of the Trafalgar polling organization that highlights a more positive outcome for President Trump’s reelection.

Beyond the polling issue; there is a visible grassroots enthusiasm that is much more intense than 2016; there is also a much wider and deeper segment of an enlarged MAGA coalition that has organically activated to become much louder and more visible.

I concur with both Bongino and Cahaly on the Florida outcome.  Florida is much stronger for Trump in 2020 than it was in 2016 when he won.  I will even go one step further and say Trump wins FL by 6 points or better (similar to Ohio ’16). Bongino also talks to Trump campaign spokesman Steve Cortes about the final stretch strategy.

Additionally, [@37:00] Bongino has a great segment with Rudy Giuliani on the totality of the evidence showcasing the corruption with the Hunter & Joe Biden bribery scheme.