Friday, October 23, 2020

Biden’s Closing Argument:

Biden’s Closing Argument: 

America is a failed idea

This man is unfit to lead this great nation.

Joe Biden has come out with his closing argument for why Americans should vote for him, and it’s jaw-droppingly insulting.

Yeah. Joe’s social media intern thought this closing argument was so great, he or she posted it from Joe Biden’s Twitter account.

Now, on the outside chance that Team Biden realizes this closing argument is infuriating patriotic Americans in swing states and deletes this tweet, here is the quote:

“America was an idea, an idea. ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident.’ We’ve never lived up to it, but we’ve never walked away from it before. And I just think we have to be more honest. Let our kids know, as we raise them, what actually did happen. Acknowledge our mistakes, so we don’t repeat them.”

America as an idea is a failure.

Vote for me, America!

For all you Gold Star families out there whose loved ones paid the ultimate sacrifice to preserve and protect our Liberty, how do you feel knowing that the closing argument for the Biden campaign is America has never lived up to our ideals?

Let me repeat that: Never.

Never lived up to it.

Parents, how do you feel about a Presidential candidate saying your children should be taught that America is a failed idea?

How can anyone look at our 244 years of history and say we never lived up to our ideals?

We are the nation of innovators and visionaries. We took to the skies, went to the moon, beat back tyranny abroad, and fought a war to end slavery and preserve our Union. How many millions of people around the world have benefited from our innovations in just farming and medicine alone?

And this corrupt 47-year politician looks at all that and concludes that we failed?!

I don’t know about you, but I’m beginning to look back fondly at the time Hillary Clinton only disparaged half the country. At least she didn’t publicly insult the whole lot of us.

For forty-seven years, this man was a fixture in government. And after all that time, what precisely has he done? What has he done? How has he advanced the cause of Liberty or promoted the very ideals on which this nation was founded? What has he done besides use his political office to enrich himself and his family?

And this is his closing argument?

Vote for me because America is a failure?

This is how he hopes to “restore the soul of the nation” — by disparaging the nation and its history?


How exactly is Biden going to “unite” us with a message like this? Does he plan to “unite” us around the idea that this country is a failure?

Well, no sale, Joe.

If this is your closing argument, you deserve to lose in a landslide.