Saturday, October 17, 2020

Biden Blows Up at Reporter Who Finally Dares to Ask...

During the ABC town hall, Joe Biden was asked pretty much all softball questions.

Had it been a real town hall, it would seem obvious that someone would ask him about the enormous story the NY Post broke about his son.

But there was not one question on it. Instead he got questions from a former Obama White House speechwriter and from the wife of a Democratic candidate for office in Pennsylvania. How much easier could they have made it?

When there was still actively a primary and when they weren’t teeing everything up for Joe, a voter previously asked him about the questions about his son Hunter that had already emerged at that time. Biden ripped the man in a truly insulting way, including saying “Look, fat!” and then later calling the man “old.”

Biden has a hair trigger temper that has evidenced itself many times during the campaign, but perhaps never so much as when he’s being asked about his son.

That was in evidence again on Friday night. While the lights were on him, during the protected environment with George Stephanopoulos during the town hall, no one dared ask him. But intrepid actual journalist Bo Erickson of CBS did ask him as Biden stood near his plane. So good for him and it shouldn’t just be one.

Erickson asked Biden what was his response to the NY Post story about his son.

Biden was not happy when asked, snapping that he had no response. Then he attacked the reporter, calling it a “smear campaign.” “I know you’d ask it. I have no response, it’s another smear campaign, right up your alley, those are the questions you always ask.”

This is Joe Biden, that snippy, “how dare you ask me anything” person we’ve frequently seen, that person who thinks he should be appointed president and that we don’t deserve to know anything about him, his son or the massive conflicts of interest and problems.

Notice, once again, there’s no denial of any of the specific details in the story.

The Biden team had previously responded to the story by not denying the truth of the Hunter Biden emails, but initially denying that a meeting with a Burisma advisor had taken place because it wasn’t on Joe Biden’s official schedule. Then they backpedaled, saying it’s possible there was an informal meeting with the Burisma advisor. This despite Joe Biden having claimed numerous times that he had no knowledge of his son’s business and never talked with him about it.