Monday, October 26, 2020

Beijing Bribery – Pres. Trump: “People are Protected”

Beijing Bribery – Bartiromo Releases Exclusive Segment With President Trump: “Deep Seated Corruption” and DC “People are Protected”

During an interview segment with Homeland Security Committee Chairman Ron Johnson discussing the Chinese pay-offs to the Biden family, Ms. Bartiromo plays an audio soundbite from President Trump outlining the motive for DC to blame Russia not China.

As noted by President Trump the DC system cannot use China as the foil for their political attack narratives because Beijing has used financial schemes as an intelligence operation to compromise most of the more influential politicians.   The Chinese payments to Joe Biden and family are only one example; there are likely dozens of high-powered DC politicians who have taken bribes from the Chinese Communist Party; thus DC has willfully created a corrupt system of mutually assured destruction… ergo they must ignore.

Once you realize that Beijing has paid-off top level DC politicians for influence operations, you are well positioned to think about how much the Chinese Communist Party has paid to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Tom Donohue inc etc.  Once that light-bulb goes off you start to rethink the background motives for the number one lobbyist in Washington DC… and then suddenly a lot of things make a lot more sense.

Once you start to realize is that “lobbying” is merely the mechanism, then you can see how the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the bag-man.

♦ Hunter Biden was the bag-man for the Biden family gathering up payments from foreign entities, laundering them through false businesses, and then redistributing the payments to the family members.

♦ Tom Donohue is the bag-man for the Chamber of Commerce gathering up payments from foreign entities, laundering them through the chamber, and then redistributing them to the DC politicians from K-Street.

It’s the exact same process.

(2018 – Open Secrets)

And remember, it’s the lobbyists who actually write the legislation.