Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Yes, Joe Biden Called U.S. Troops “Stupid Bastards” — Here’s The Video

During the first presidential debate on Tuesday night, President Donald Trump pointed out that, despite the left’s attempts to taint his respect for the military using anonymous sources, Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden was the one who actually insulted men and women in the service on tape.

“He called the military stupid. He said stupid bastards,” Trump said. “And he said it on tape.”

Biden denied the allegations that he ever said anything of the sort, shaking his head.

Trump, however, was correct about Biden’s comments and how they were all caught on tape.

In 2016, Biden visited troops stationed at Al Dhafra Air Base in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. In a video recording of his speech, Biden can be heard commanding the troops to clap after he mentioned he nominated one of the appointed one of the lieutenants to the academy. He also insults them for being a “dull bunch.”

“Clap for that you stupid bastards,” Biden said.

“Man, you are a dull bunch. Must be slow here, man,” he added.

According to Trump, Biden’s denial of his on-the-record comments was not only insulting to the military but also demonstrated the collaborated bias from the left and the media against his presidency.

“He said I said something about the military. He and his friends made it up, and then they went with it. I never said it,” Trump said, referring to the hit piece published by Atlantic Editor in Chief Jeffrey Goldberg.

In the piece, Goldberg, using only anonymous sources, alleged that Trump refused to visit a war cemetery in France “because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain, and because he did not believe it important to honor American war dead.” In a later on-air interview, however, Goldberg conceded that the “White House’s account that President Trump’s trip to a cemetery of fallen World War I soldiers in France in 2018 was modified due to bad weather is probably accurate.”