Friday, September 11, 2020

W³P Weekend Open Thread - Staying Alive Edition

Last time... on Open Thread Z...


And here we are. The weekend officially begins now!

I'm sure we need a break after the week that was. Mainly we saw democrats doing what they usually do, accusing others of that which they are most guilty. Not to be outdone by The Atlantic's article smearing the troops and then attributing the smear to Trump, Bob Woodward has stepped into the ring to claim that Trump downplayed the Kung Flu, thus lying to the American people, thus killing everyone, GRAAAWWRRR!!! Just ignore the fact that Trump closed down travel with China, pushed for hydroxychroliquine's use, and recommended against state shutdowns. Ignore that it was democrat governors putting sick people in nursing homes.

Of course Biden, who earlier had coordinated with The Atlantic to smear Trump over our veterans, had to throw his non-cents in. Or tried to anyway...

This is a pattern with Slow Joe, like when he blamed a truck driver for the death of his first wife, and accused him of drinking his lunch that day. Turns out, alcohol played no part in the crash, and the accident was found to be the fault of Biden's wife. Perhaps she was distraught at the affair her husband was having with Jill, whom he would later marry after she divorced her current husband.

Certainly wouldn't be the first time a woman died in a car because of a democrat politician, right Ted?

Joe and Ted's Bogus Misadventure

What is it with liberal democrats killing women with cars?

And now you know the REAL reason for CAFE standards.



Of course Meme Dump had to invade the weekend. Any why not start with Picard? He's basically become a meme in his own universe. With the failure that is STP, STD, and other See-BS iterations of Trek by incompetent soy-sippers, it's no wonder Star Trek Day was an absolute flop. Terrible ratings on See-BS's YouTube videos hosting a virtual Star Trek Con, failing to gain more views than most content creator YouTube videos. Guess their idea to trick investors didn't play out too well.

Speaking of not playing well... where has Alex Jones been? I think he's feeling a little left out in this recent vid...


What's next? Animals?


Here's one of a cat owner showing the cat a picture of itself. Apparently the cat thinks the pic is a bit unflattering...

What? You died? Well, that's what you get for clicking on a cat video.

Okay, good enough. NEXT!!!


I don't know what others think of Ramsey, but I've always found him to be a great chef. Yeah, he's a dick to people, but that's all for entertainment value. I can certainly relate to that. But that aside, the dude is great at cooking.

Speaking of cooking...

This track is burnin' up the charts!

I find this song goes great with this video of some rioting thug on fire...

Guess they fought fire with fire...

These rioters, boy I tell ya. They're like a cult. And not the good kind...


All right gang. Now for the personal thoughts segment, and this one is straight from the heart.

I wanted to do this Open Thread because ever since being invited to this blog months ago, I've had a lot of fun and have seen a lot of cool stuff and read many great articles. I am deeply honored to be a part of this site, and I want to give back as much as I possibly can. I look forward to more content in the future.

But I just wanted to share a lesson I've learned over the past few months during the lockdown, and the reopening, and also some other issues in my personal life. I recently stumbled across some bad news which I'm still in the process of verifying, and don't worry, it's nothing serious or harmful to me or anyone else. But it taught me something about life that I think could benefit anyone reading.

We as individuals have no control over the world around us. Whether it's Toonami going all-in for BLM and slamming people who believe that all lives matter, or the NFL bending the knee, or dishonest media urinalists slandering the President and his supporters, or Star Trek being completely mutated into something unrecognizable by incompetent people, or your employer telling you that your place of business has to shut down because of a stupid governor's tyrannical orders. There is little to nothing you can do to change the rest of the world. Together, we can form a group that demands change, but that doesn't always work.

All we can do as individuals is control what happens in our own lives, and even that isn't assured in all instances. We can pull our support from companies, programs, events, or politicians who don't support us. We can spend our money elsewhere.

But most of all we can create our own content. We can make our own stories, or form our own friendships, or craft our own artworks, or reach out and talk to others and share our own ideas. We can focus on making our own lives, and the lives of our family members, better. That, I think, presents a much more productive and optimistic outcome. Obsessing over things beyond your control gets you nowhere. The best thing you can do is create new things that make your own life better. Things YOU control.

So I encourage everyone to create, or do something this weekend that you want to do. Accomplish something you want to accomplish. Be a positive force in your own life or the life of someone close to you.

Believe it!


You know what to do! Post your memes, GIFs, music, pics, random thoughts. Recommend and invite someone new to join in!