Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Trump’s tax returns? I don’t GAF

For decades, politicians have used “public service” as a way to become insanely wealthy. So you’ll excuse me if I don’t give a crap about Trump’s tax returns.

Let me just say for the record that I really don’t give a crap about President Trump’s tax returns. If you are using an accountant who doesn’t make full use of tax laws to ensure you pay the least possible amount in taxes, find a new accountant.

Trump’s tax returns matter to me about as much as a June Bug in July.

What bothers you more? The tax returns from a guy who didn’t spend his life in DC or how people who spend their lives in DC get so fabulously wealthy?

For many politicians, so-called public “service” is a get-rich-quick scheme.

Take Joe Biden. Dude has been in elected office for nearly a half century. And yet, according to his tax returns, Biden is a multi-millionaire.

As Julie Kelly pointed out last night on Twitter, in 2016, the Bidens earned $400K. But in 2017 and 2018, they made more than sixteen million dollars.

And that probably doesn’t include the tens of millions of dollars the Biden family has received through shady business deals in China, the Ukraine, and even Russia.

Then there’s Biden’s pal Barack Obama.

The Obamas left the White House and immediately inked a $60+ million dollar book deal. Then in 2018, they signed another multi-million dollar deal with Netflix.

And while I do not begrudge the Obamas making oodles of money after leaving office, it does irritate the living crap out of me that we, the American taxpayers, are still financially supporting the fabulously wealthy Obamas.

Barack Obama receives an annual Presidential Pension (plus expenditures) paid for by us.

In fact, in 2018, the former President cost taxpayers $1,153,000.00.

Let me repeat that.

Taxpayers had to fork over one million, one hundred and fifty-three thousand dollars to multi-millionaire Barack Obama in 2018.

Now, the Presidential Pension is only $205,700 a year for life. So what in the name of sweet fancy Moses was the additional $947,300.00 for?

The Obamas bought a massive estate on Martha’s Vineyard. But we need to pay for their “expenditures” to the tune of $947,300.00?!


I’ve been railing against the Former Presidents Act of 1958 for years – most recently after the Obamas inked their lucrative deal with Netflix.

Several years ago, Congress tried to rein in the Former Presidents Act by limiting pensions to former Presidents who earn less than $400K a year.

And President Obama vetoed it because of course he did.

In fact, in March of 2016, Obama requested an 18% increase in Presidential pensions – just in time for him to reap the benefit.

Why is a man who is worth nearly a hundred million dollars expecting American taxpayers to pay him a pension … and “expenditures?”

You think I give a crap about Trump’s tax returns?

Yeah. I don’t.

Joe Biden’s family has raked in tens of millions of dollars doing business with America’s number one geo-political foe.

So, no, Trump’s tax returns are not especially high on my list of things to give a crap about.

The only evidence of illegality we have in the New York Times’ “explosive” report on Trump’s tax returns is somebody illegally leaked his tax returns to the New York Times.

Other than that, this is about as explosive as a sputtering wet fart.

Meanwhile, the Biden family’s dirty dealings with Ukraine, China and Russia go unreported in the “paper of record.”

And the Obama’s are still costing taxpayers millions of dollars.

So, get bent, New York Times. This isn’t a news report; it’s an in-kind oppo-research contribution to the Biden campaign. And you can take this sputtering “bombshell” and stick it up your ass.

Too harsh? Well, I have the flu and that leaves me low on patience for utter hypocrites and partisan hacks.