Saturday, September 12, 2020

Trump's Secret Weapon



Mike Adams: Trump’s “secret weapon” revealed: Fourteenth Amendment allows the President to strip Electoral College votes from states supporting censorship against voters; enables mass arrests of mayors, governors and judges who support BLM

Mike Adams:  Trump’s “secret weapon” revealed: Fourteenth Amendment allows the President to strip Electoral College votes from states supporting censorship against voters; enables mass arrests of mayors, governors and judges who support BLM

(Natural News) The results of the 2020 election are already locked in: Trump wins, and he goes on to dismantle the corrupt, criminal Democrat party that tried (and failed) to destroy America and replace it with a communist regime of left-wing authoritarian tyrants.

How does Trump accomplish this?

President Trump has a “secret weapon” that I’ve been talking about for several months in Health Ranger Report podcasts on Until recently, I didn’t know the exact nature of the secret weapon but was told by highly reliable sources that plans were already in place for Trump to defeat the Democrats and protect America from left-wing efforts to destroy this nation.

Now we’ve been able to confirm the content of this “secret weapon” that will be invoked to save America. It’s the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.

How the Fourteenth Amendment grants Trump the power to strip power away from treasonous domestic enemies

The Fourteenth Amendment — see the full text here — speaks directly to the powers of the federal government in dealing with officials, individuals and states that are engaged in “rebellion” against the United States of America.

Specifically, the Fourteenth Amendment grants the U.S. President the power to:

  • Arrest and indefinitely hold all public officials — including mayors, governors, state legislators, federal judges and law enforcement officials — who support “rebellion” against the United States or who have “given aid or comfort” to the enemies of America. (Section 3)
  • Eliminate House of Representatives positions for California and other states which are engaged in supporting Big Tech censorship platforms that are supporting rebellion against the United States of America and “abridging” the right of voting-aged citizens to participate in elections (via censorship). This implies that Electoral College votes would also be proportionally reduced in these states. (Section 2) It would also apply to states like Oregon which are reportedly funding “war encampment” installations that house insurrectionists who are unleashed each night to attack federal buildings and federal law enforcement officers.
  • Eliminate all federal financial support for cities and states which are engaged in “insurrection or rebellion” against the United States. Section 3 specifically states that all such claims of federal money obligations to the states “shall be held illegal and void.” (Section 4)

In essence, the Fourteenth Amendment grants American citizens “equal protection” under law, but for public officials or states which are engaged in “insurrection or rebellion” against the United States, those equal protections are revoked.

The Democrats already know all this, which is why they are pursuing a plan of election chaos, hoping to throw the entire election process into mass confusion, from which they plan to attempt an illegal coup to eliminate Trump from office and claim political power over the nation.

Many Democrat-run states are already in open rebellion, aiding and comforting illegal insurrectionists who are attempting to overthrow the United States government

It should be rather obvious that at this very moment, California, Oregon, Washington, New York, Illinois and many other states are engaged in open rebellion against the United States, and that thousands of public officials within those states — mayors, governors, state legislators, police chiefs, etc. — are granting “aid or comfort” to the rebellion.

Under the Fourteenth Amendment, Trump merely needs to declare an insurrection, then he can have Mayor Lightfoot (Chicago), Mayor Wheeler (Portland), Mayor Durkan (Seattle) and even de Blasio (NYC) arrested and removed from office for violating their oaths of office. All those mayors (and many more) have taken an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, but they have violated their oaths, and under the Fourteenth Amendment that means they have nullified their own right to equal protection under the law.

Because they violated the U.S. Constitution and actively engaged in rebellion against the United States, in other words, they no longer enjoy the benefits of protections under the Constitution.

In addition, President Trump can eliminate congressional House seats for states that support rebellion, reducing their apportionment in the House. This means the states’ Electoral College votes are also reduced, since those numbers are based on the number of House + Senate representatives for each state. This is based on the fact that these states are aiding the efforts of Big Teach to deny the rights of conservatives to participate in elections and voting, via politically-targeted censorship and voter suppression tactics now routinely used by Google, Facebook and other tech giants.

Section 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment specifically addresses voter suppression. It says that states which support the suppression of the ability of citizens to participate in voting will lose a portion of their own seats in Congress as well as Electoral College representation. Right now, the most overt and obvious voter suppression is being carried out by Big Tech platforms such as Facebook, Google, Twitter and YouTube, but similar censorship is also being undertaken by Microsoft, Apple, Vimeo and other tech giants. These companies are granted aid and comfort by numerous left-wing cities and states which often grant these companies property tax deferments and legal protections against legitimate investigations or prosecutions. In other words, states like California are actively protecting the Big Tech platforms that are suppressing voter participation via politically-targeted censorship. And this puts California in violation of Section 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Furthermore, President Trump can arrest and imprison all state and federal judges who have granted “aid or comfort” to insurrectionists by, for example, releasing them without charge after they were arrested for participating in riots or assaulting law enforcement officers. This means all Soros-funded District Attorneys and anti-America judges who have supported the insurrection can now be arrested and removed from office in one fell swoop.

Remember that Democrat officials in Oregon, Washington, California, New York, Illinois and other states have overtly granted protections — and in some cases, actual funding — to Black Lives Matter terrorists. This means these officials are complicit in “rebellion” against the United States. Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment states that they cannot hold any public office, “civil or military.” Here’s the language: (emphasis added)

No Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.

Finally, Section 4 of the Fourteenth Amendment says, “…neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States.” This means that cities and states which are suffering extreme economic losses due to their support for rioting and insurrection — such as Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, etc.) — cannot make any claim to federal money to reimburse them for their losses.

Their losses have been incurred as a result of their support for acts of insurrection and rebellion against the United States, and thus the United States has no obligation to reimburse them for such losses.

All this explains why Nancy Pelosi recently declared President Trump and the GOP to be “enemies of the state.” This is the kind of language that would only be used by the Speaker of the House if they intend to attempt a violent coup followed by mass exterminations of their political opponents:

To initiate all this, Trump merely needs to officially declare an insurrection is under way

The reason Democrats went insane when Trump won the 2016 election is because holding the office of the presidency grants that person access to all the powers that the U.S. Constitution (and subsequent law) confers to the president. One of those powers is the power to declare an insurrection against the government. Such a declaration unleashes enormous powers of government which are then directed by the president against the domestic enemies which are waging war against the United States.

It is now rather obvious that we are already in that war, which is being waged by radical, extreme left-wing terrorists on a nightly basis. That war is supported and aided by the tech giants who censor all critics of the insurrectionists while aiding their acts of treason by allowing their platforms to be used to coordinate attacks against America.

Left-wing mayors, governors, judges, state representatives and other oath-swearing officials are also openly engaged in insurrection against the United States, and Trump’s declaration of an open insurrection will enable them all to be arrested and removed from power.

This is what Trump must do to save America. It is unlikely that he will declare an insurrection before the election, however. This action seems likely to occur after the election.

Why Trump should declare an insurrection the day before the election

Strategically speaking, we urge President Trump to declare the insurrection before the election, because this would allow him to challenge the Electoral College votes from states which are supporting open rebellion against the United States (for all the reasons noted above). Even if Trump declares the insurrection just one day before the election, this grants him a basis from which he may challenge the Electoral College votes from insurrectionist states like California.

It also grants Trump the opportunity to arrest all the corrupt, left-wing officials the day after the election, shutting down their criminal attempts to counterfeit ballots after the fact that try to “win” by cheating in the weeks following the election itself. Trump can largely shut down that effort by simply declaring an insurrection and arresting all these treasonous actors the day after the election. They cannot counterfeit more ballots, after all, if they’re sitting in jail.

This action would, of course, cause the radical Left to ignite an attempted nationwide kinetic war against the government, but at that point Trump is free to issue escalated engagement orders for federal law enforcement while even bringing in the U.S. military to halt all domestic enemies of the United States who are engaged in acts of treason or warfare against America (deploying the military to defeat domestic enemies of America does not violate Posse Comitatus).

Remember when I told you a year ago that when martial law comes to America, you will beg for it? Now you understand why. When the radical Left unleashes yet more violence, arson, looting, property destruction and anarchy across America, most reasonable Americans will fully support temporarily martial law and even military action on the streets of America to clean out the insurrectionists and restore civility to this nation.