Sunday, September 6, 2020

Trump Approval Rating Back to Pre-COVID High; Democrats, CNN, MSNBC Hardest Hit

It must be a bummer to be a D.C. Democrat, a “journalist” at CNN or MSNBC, or any other Trump-loathing “loser,” these days. Try as they might, from the pretend scandals, to the daily bashing, to whatever else they can think of to get rid of this guy, it fails. Every time. Bigly.

So one can only imagine the forlorn faces and gnashing teeth when the Friday Rasmussen Reports daily presidential tracking poll approval rating for Trump was back to his pre-COVID high of 52 percent, after a spring and summer of “not very good” poll results for the President.

Rasmussen also reported that 48 percent of respondents disapprove of Trump’s job overall performance, while an equal 42 percent “strongly approve,” or “strongly disapprove.”

As Fox News reported, Trump last hit a 52 percent approval rating in late February, before the COVID lockdowns began.

Throughout April, May, and June, during the virus lockdowns and subsequent “peaceful protests” in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death, Trump’s approval rating languished in the low to mid-40s.

Fox also noted that Trump’s highest Rasmussen job approval rating was 53 percent, in late September 2019, while Barack Obama’s highest rating was 52 percent, in late January 2011.

In past reelections, both Obama and President George W. Bush had a 51 percent approval on the day they won.

According to its website, Rasmussen Reports is the only nationally recognized public opinion firm that still tracks President Trump’s job approval rating on a daily basis, “now that Gallup has quit the field.”

As my RedState colleague Nick Arama reported in early August, Trump’s approval rating has been steadily climbing as the disastrous spring and summer of 2020 have given way to the reality that either Donald Trump will be re-elected in less than 60 days, or the Democrat disaster known as Joe Biden will deny him a second term.

Now that “Joe Hiden” — Trump’s new nickname for “Sleepy Joe” — has ventured out of his basement to participate in a few pretend campaign events, questions of whether the 48-year-career Washington Democrat is mentally fit to serve as president have only intensified.

As I wrote earlier this week in an article titled ‘This Is Really Bad’ — Social Media Weighs in After Biden’s Very Bad Day in Pittsburgh, social media absolutely crushed Biden after he delivered a largely-incoherent speech from an isolated warehouse in Pittsburgh.

And, as Nick Arama reported in a Friday article titled What the Heck: Joe Biden Reads the Instruction Line off the Teleprompter AGAIN, Trump Jr. Finishes Him Off, Biden twice this week read instruction lines on his Teleprompter as if they were part of his speeches.

The bottom line:

Clearly, beyond simple gaffes and moments of forgetfulness, something is wrong with 77-year-old Joe Biden, and it appears to be getting worse.

If Donald Trump can just “keep it between the lines” over the next 59 days and counting, Nancy Pelosi and her Democrats, CNN, MSNBC, the “failing New York Times,” and a slew of other TDS-riddled folks are going to have another “very bad day” on November 3.