Monday, September 21, 2020

There is no Dying Wish Clause in the Constitution

RGB showed as much respect for the Constitution on her death bed as she did on the bench.

posted by Dianny at Patriot Retort

Rumor has it that as her last in a long line of unconstitutional rulings, Ruth Bader Ginsburg uttered a dying wish that no Justice be confirmed to replace her until after the Presidential election.

Barack Obama has repeated Ginsburg’s dying wish as gospel because, let’s face it, Obama feels the same way about the Constitution than Ruth did.

The dimwitted Congresswoman from the State of Twitter is aghast that meanie Mitch McConnell is so callously ignoring Ginsburg’s dying wish.

“This is a man,” the simpering Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez whined, “who does not care about a dying woman’s final wish.”

Yeah. I don’t care either, you ignoramus.

There is no Dying Wish Clause in the Constitution.

Article II, Section 2 doesn’t say, “The President selects judges with the advice and consent of the US Senate. Unless a Justice dies during an election year. In that case, the President’s Power to select a replacement is set aside in favor of the dying wish of said Justice.”

Ruth Bader Ginsburg does not get to decide who gets to name her successor or when.

She wasn’t the King of England. There is no Act of Succession by Dying Wish for Supreme Court Justices.

Ginsburg’s dying wish means about as much as air in a jug.

No wonder deeply ignorant women with useless college degrees deified the old woman. Like they, Ginsburg believed her feelz supersede everything else. Everything — including her oath of office and the Constitutional system she was supposed to uphold.

Constitutionally, there is absolutely no impediment to President Trump naming a new Supreme Court Justice and the Senate giving its advice and consent.

And see, that’s the problem right there.

The Senate Democrats, the media, and all the shrieking harpies with RGB T-shirts and action figures don’t have a Constitutional leg to stand on.  So they elevate this woman’s alleged dying wish as if it holds more authority than the Constitution.

Because just like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Senate Democrats don’t give two craps about the Constitution.