Monday, September 7, 2020

The Corrupt & Seditious TDS Generals

I am familiar with this technology and have seen how it operates from the back end. It isn't used just to "counter terrorist propaganda." It can target any individual virtually real-time, wherever they are, by monitoring their phones, mobile devices, and certain apps.
The technology was designed by DARPA with a dual use: (1) for psychological operations (PSYOP) to detect & counter enemy narratives; and (2) for targeting & killing individual terrorists by homing in on cell phones & mobile devices.

Now it has been adapted against Americans.
Washington Post reported that the technology was developed with taxpayer funding to fight ISIS.

And now @JoeBiden's supporters are using it to fight the president and fellow American citizens.…
One must ask, Why didn't this group use the technology to counter the Chinese Communist Party's disinformation and propaganda about the coronavirus pandemic?

In whose interests was it to use the military technology to let the Communists off the hook and attack the President?
WaPo: "A new Democratic-aligned political action committee advised by retired Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal ... is planning to deploy technology originally developed to counter Islamic State propaganda in service of a domestic political goal" against President Trump.