Thursday, September 17, 2020

The Background of the “Harris-Biden” Ticket

With Senator Kamala Harris and Joe Biden making recent admissions about the actual power dynamic behind the Democrat 2020 presidential ticket more people are starting to take notice. What exactly is this Harris-Biden ticket all about?

Here’s the background to understand.

CTH readers are astute to the political dynamics, and do substantive independent research, so we will cut through the fog and just explain in common sense terms.

When Kamala Harris informally launched her bid for the Democrat nomination she did so in an ABC interview with George Stephanopoulos; this was not accidental. Harris was the DNC club candidate intended to walk in the shadow of the Obama team. As a consequence when the formal campaign was launched it was coordinated with the Chicago Jussie Smollett fiasco.  That incident was manufactured; this is how they roll. These people are all connected. Racial issues are a purposeful political strategy.

Unfortunately for the Club, the Smollet effort back-fired and Harris was never able to exploit the larger racial dynamic deployed by those who organize the astroturf effort. The primary race then wobbled along as the internal DNC players tried to figure out the best way to stay in power yet keep the far-left base motivated.

While the Democrat party, writ large, are known for exploiting fragmented special interests, the Obama coalition is the internal group with expertise at exploiting race for political benefit.  This dynamic has existed since the initial contest between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in 2008.  This internal dynamic continues today.

The Black Grievance Industry (BGI) is an assembly of two larger groups.  Group-one is the Black Lives Matter group, modern and extremist.  Group-two is the AME church network, more traditional and with a larger network.  The BLM group originated during the terms of the Obama administration.  The AME network has existed for many decades before.

When Hillary Clinton ran in 2016 the prior agreement between her and Obama meant that President Obama was supposed to activate BLM and AME to support her.

However, there was historic baggage between the two, some very bad blood in the background, and Obama only half-heartedly fulfilled his 2009/2012 promises.  The networks were activated but there was little forceful pressure upon them.

This weak Obama effort showed in September 2016 when Hillary Clinton attended the Kansas City National Baptist Convention, and the attendance for her key-note address was stunningly poor {Background}.  It was after this event when CTH was certain Donald Trump would defeat Clinton in the 2016 election.

Fast forward to the hot mess that was the 2020 Democrat primary race.  With Kamala Harris collapsing due to her own immaturity; and with Bernie Sanders in position to take the momentum; the DNC club was in a very bad position.  Urgent action needed to be taken to retain club power and control.

Immediately before the South Carolina primary, Barack Obama (BLM network) and the traditional racial apparatus (AME network) realized they were about to lose control to Bernie Sanders.  Their response was to quickly coordinate a club move to swing the election away from the Sanders camp.

An urgent assembly of all party control officers was called. The power brokers within the DNC Club designed a plan around using James Clyburn (AME network) as the official spark for Joe Biden to take back control of the primary outcome.

Former President Obama contacted all candidates and informed them when and how they would quit the race and fall-in-line behind Joe Biden.  James Clyburn was then triggered to initiate his endorsement and begin the rapid-fire process.

Within 48 hours all members of the club and candidates had their instructions and proceeded to follow-through on the plan.  They had no choice.  If they did not comply they would suffer the consequences of a fully aligned club hierarchy who would target them personally and financially.
The plan worked flawlessly.

As part of the coordinated deal Representative James Clyburn was put in charge of the Biden campaign; Clyburn stunningly admitted this immediately after the strategy went public.  As we noted at the time, Obama and Clyburn would then select/appoint the vice-presidential nominee.  That’s how Kamala Harris was re-entered into the equation.
Joe Biden has dementia. Everyone knows this to be true.  The Biden candidacy is a front; a ruse, a manipulative scheme that needs a face… That’s Joe Biden.

A Biden presidency would be a complete farce.  The Obama coalition is in control of everything behind the scenes.  All policy would be Obama policy; and, specifically because of their importance in triggering the origin of the entire enterprise, the primary policy stakeholders will be the congressional black caucus (CBC) led by James Clyburn.  This influence plan is behind the merging of Black Lives Matter and the AME network.

This racial activation strategy is why the initial George Floyd protests were so important and why so much political effort was put into the two weeks of funerals, memorials and narrative control.

In April, House Democrats created a Coronavirus investigation committee and James Clyburn, Biden’s handler and puppet-master, was put in charge of that committee.  Again, as you can see in today’s larger narrative around the issue, the COVID-19 narrative was engineered for political use against President Trump.  None of this is accidental.

As CTH noted at the time.…..

“The assembly of the Clyburn Committee is the DNC’s fourth political effort to remove President Trump from office. (1) 2017: Russia Collusion; (2) 2018: Mueller Obstruction; (3) 2019: Ukraine interference; and now (4) 2020: Coronavirus caused by Trump.”
[…] “Perhaps the DNC confidence toward pulling this off is driven by their confidence in using the coronavirus to get mail-in vote ballots approved on a state-by-state basis. The DNC Club controls the mail…. and the ballot counting… in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan…. ergo the DNC Club controls the 2020 election.
One thing is sure, Clyburn’s Trump Removal Committee will find or create every possible controversy, and manufacture whatever they cannot find, to outline President Trump as the cause for suffering in the U.S. with coronavirus. A big part of that plan will be to highlight the coronavirus impact on the black and minority communities.”

Where we are today was easily predictable five months ago for those who follow the road-map that is continually used by the DNC club; and those who understand how organized the club is at creating astroturf.

Joe Biden is a Potemkin candidate; a completely false front for the club.  The actual and purposeful operation is attempting to position Kamala Harris to deliver on the policies, goals and objectives of the far-left Obama coalition that operates in the background.

The flaw in their strategy is their dependency on black voters to stay away from President Trump.  Black constituents are catching on to the scheme; and black voters -those not blinded by the cultural peer pressure- are seeing President Trump actually deliver on issues that are important to them.

Additionally, the Obama coalition dependence on black voters creates a void around Latino voters.  There is friction between the two groups.  President Trump’s focus on delivering results for both black and Latino voters, as well as all Americans, is specifically against the designed interests of the Obama coalition.

Hispanic voters support President Trump because his policies actually create results, strong economic results, for their community.   Also there is a strong cultural connection between Trump priorities and the faith and leadership values within the traditional Latino community.  The Obama coalition is trying to react to this now… however, Harris and Biden are weak messengers for outreach toward the Latino community.

BOTTOM LINE: Joe Biden is a ruse.  Kamala Harris is who Obama and Clyburn are trying to put in place.

(Pictured) Joe Biden Latino Outreach Effort – September 14, 2020, in Miami